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Installation of Apache Objectives –Install Apache webserver Contents –Compile in module support –Compile sourcecode –Installing apache –Verify installation.

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Presentation on theme: "Installation of Apache Objectives –Install Apache webserver Contents –Compile in module support –Compile sourcecode –Installing apache –Verify installation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Installation of Apache Objectives –Install Apache webserver Contents –Compile in module support –Compile sourcecode –Installing apache –Verify installation Practical –Install Apache Summary

2 Unzip & Preconfigure Apache source Download latest version of Apache 2 ”Unzip” Apache –This creates a directory with same name as filename above –This is called the Apache source tree Get Apache dependencies –Install them with yast if you do not have much time leftover Please remove existing apache installations before # cd /usr/local/src # wget # cd /usr/local/src # wget YAST: openldap-devel is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: db4-devel is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: expat-devel is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: pkgconfig is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: doxygen is needed by apr YAST: openldap-devel is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: db4-devel is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: expat-devel is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: pkgconfig is needed by httpd-2.2.0-1 YAST: doxygen is needed by apr # tar xvfz httpd-2.2.0.tar.gz

3 Unzip & Preconfigure Apache source Get Apache Portable Runtime Unzip and make all 3 APR’s –edit /etc/ and add /usr/local/apr/lib Preconfigure Apache sourcecode –Process take between 5 to 30 minutes to complete! Please remove existing apache installations before. # cd /usr/local/src # wget # wget # wget # cd /usr/local/src # wget # wget # wget # cd../httpd-2.2.0 #./configure --enable-layout=SuSE \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/httpd/modules \ --enable-mods-shared=all # cd../httpd-2.2.0 #./configure --enable-layout=SuSE \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/httpd/modules \ --enable-mods-shared=all # tar xvfz apr-1.2.2.tar.gz && cd apr-1.2.2 &&./configure && make && make install # tar xvfz apr-util-1.2.2.tar.gz && cd../apr-util-1.2.2 &&./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr # make && make install # tar xvfz apr-util-1.2.2.tar.gz && cd../apr-util-1.2.2 &&./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr # make && make install # tar xvfz apr-1.2.2-iconv-1.1.1.tar.gz && cd../apr-1.2.2-iconv-1.1.1 &&./configure # make && make install # tar xvfz apr-1.2.2-iconv-1.1.1.tar.gz && cd../apr-1.2.2-iconv-1.1.1 &&./configure # make && make install

4 Compile and Install Apache Compile Apache, using previous created config –This procedure can take anything between 10 to 90 minutes Install Apache –This will install Apache binaries and modules at proper places –Also configuration files are installed Backup your Apache config files –You will soon start to mess with them, good to keep handy –Apache have backed up in /etc/httpd/original We selected layout=SuSE –Configuration files: /etc/httpdand /etc/httpd/extra –Documentroot /usr/local/httpd/htdocs –Logfiles /var/log/httpd # make # make install # cd /etc/httpd # cp httpd.conf # cd /etc/httpd # cp httpd.conf

5 Apache statistical engine Open Apache configuration file /etc/httpd/httpd.conf then find and uncomment: Like this: Now open /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-info.conf and modify: Start apache2 for first time –First time logfiles are missing so we start and stop apache one time, check the logbook at /var/log/httpd/access and /var/log/httpd/error # Real-time info on requests and configuration # Include /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-info.conf # Real-time info on requests and configuration # Include /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-info.conf # Real-time info on requests and configuration Include /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-info.conf # Real-time info on requests and configuration Include /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-info.conf SetHandler server-status Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from localhost, SetHandler server-status Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from localhost, # apachectl start ; apachectl stop ; apachectl start

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