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Contest Algorithms January 2016 3. Collections 1Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections.

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Presentation on theme: "Contest Algorithms January 2016 3. Collections 1Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contest Algorithms January 2016 3. Collections 1Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections

2  1. Class / Interface Libraries  2. Collection, Collections  3. List: ArrayList, LinkedList  4. Stack  5. Queue: Radix sort, Deque, PriorityQueue  6. Sets: TreeSet, HashSet  7. Maps: TessMap, HashMap  8. BitSet, Sieve of Eratosthenes Overview Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections2

3 3 Collection Stack Map SortedMap NavigableMap List Queue Set Deque SortedSet NavigableSet Vector HashTable Dictionary EnumMap IdentityHashMap WeakHashMap HashMap LinkedHashMap TreeMap ArrayList LinkedList PriorityQueue ArrayDeque LinkedHashSet HashSet TreeSet interfaces and classes in the java.util package. Interfaces are in blue. 1. Class/ Interface Libraries Arrays Collections BitSet

4 Kinds of Collections  Collection --a group of objects, called elements  Set-- An unordered collection with no duplicates  SortedSet -- An ordered collection with no duplicates  List-- an ordered collection, duplicates are allowed  Map-- a collection that maps keys to values  SortedMap-- a collection ordered by the keys  Note that there are two distinct hierarchies

5 Collection Summary Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections5

6 Map Summary Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections6

7 Another Summary Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections7

8 8

9  A collection class takes an object type as a parameter:  Collection  List  Stack  Set  A map takes two object type parameters:  Map Generics 20-9

10 2. Collection 20-10 boolean isEmpty ( ) int size ( ) boolean contains (Object obj) boolean add (E obj) boolean remove (E obj) Iterator iterator ( ) //... other methods

11 Iterator  “For Each” Loop 20-11 Collection words = new ArrayList ();... for (String word : words) { // process word > } A “for each” loop replaces the iterator technique

12 Bulk operations boolean containsAll(Collection c); boolean addAll(Collection c); boolean removeAll(Collection c); boolean retainAll(Collection c); void clear( );  return true if the object was modified

13 Array operations  Object[ ] toArray( );  creates a new array of Object s  Object[ ] toArray(Object a[ ]);  provide the array that is filled  Examples: Object[ ] a = coll.toArray(); String[ ] a = (String[ ]) coll.toArray(new String[0]);

14 The Collection s class  Not the same as the Collection interface  Static utility methods to operate on Collection objects

15 Collections class methods  Binary search  Sorting  Copying  Min/Max  Reverse  Shuffle  Frequency / disjoint  Synchronization  Unmodifiable  Singletons  Fill  Constants for empty…  List  Set  Map  Etc. see

16 3. List 20-16 «interface» Collection «interface» List // All Collection methods, plus: E get (int i) E set (int i, E obj) void add (int i, E obj) E remove (int i) int indexOf (E obj) int lastIndexOf(E obj) List subList(int from, int to) additional positional access and searching methods

17  Represents a list as a dynamic array.  Provides faster random access to the elements  Implements all the methods of List ArrayList 20-17 «interface» List ArrayListLinkedList a1a1 a2a2 a n-1...a0a0 see

18 ArrayList v = new ArrayList (); v.add(10); v.add(7); v.add(2); v.add(15); v.add(4); // sort ascending Collections.sort(v); System.out.println(v); // [2, 4, 7, 10, 15] int pos = Collections.binarySearch(v, 7); // 2 Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections18

19  Represents a list as a doubly-linked list  Implements all the methods of List  Faster insertions and deletions LinkedList 20-19 a0a0 a1a1 a2a2 a n-1... «interface» List ArrayListLinkedList and Queue, Deque

20  Additional methods specific to LinkedList: void addFirst (E obj) void addLast (E obj) E getFirst ( ) E getLast ( ) E removeFirst ( ) E removeLast ( ) see

21  Implements a list as a doubly-linked list -No random access to the elements — needs to traverse the list to get to the i-th element +Inserting and removing elements is done by rearranging the links — no shifting +Nodes are allocated and released as necessary  Implements a list as an array +Provides random access to the elements - Inserting and removing elements requires shifting of subsequent elements - Needs to be resized when runs out of space ArrayList vs. LinkedList 20-21

22 20-22 ArrayListLinkedList get(i) and set(i, obj) O(1) O(n)O(n) add(i, obj) and remove(i)O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n) add(0, obj)O(n)O(n) O(1) add(obj) O(1) contains(obj)O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)

23 20-23 Works well for an ArrayList  O(n); inefficient for a LinkedList  O(n 2 ) for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object x = list.get (i);... } for (Object x : list) {... } Work well for both an ArrayList and a LinkedList  O(n)

24  uses a list to check if the letter of an input string are a paalindrome Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections24 see

25 4. Stack 20-25 boolean isEmpty ( ) E push (E obj) E pop ( ) E peek ( ) Returns the top element without removing it from the stack see

26  uses a stack to convert a decimal into any base between 2 and 16: Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections26 see

27 27 5. Queue boolean offer (E e) Insert e at rear of queue; return true if worked E remove () Remove and return front entry; exception if none E poll () Remove and return front entry; null if none E peek () Return front entry without removing; null if none E element () Return front entry without removing; exception if none LinkedList «interface» Queue see and List, Deque

28 28  Part of the Collection hierarchy, so...  Offers many other methods, including:  add  size  isEmpty  iterator

29 Radix Sort Radix sort uses the digits in each array element to sort the array. The array elements are passed to ten queues (index 0 to 9) using each element's digit as the index. Elements are copied from the queues back to the original array, in partially sorted order.

30 Radix Sort Example  Array: [91, 6, 85, 15, 92, 35, 30, 22, 39] After Pass 0: [30, 91, 92, 22, 85, 15, 35, 6, 39] After Pass 1: [6, 15, 22, 30, 35, 39, 85, 91, 92] use the units digit in each element (10 0 digit) use the tens digit in each element (10 1 digit) partially sorted fully sorted

31 The i-th pass distributes the array elements into one of the 10 queues by looking at the digit in each element corresponding to the power 10 i.  in pass 0, look at units digit (10 0 )  in pass 1, look at tens digit (10 1 ) Radix sort must carry out d passes, one for each digit in the largest element  e.g. if the largest element is 92, then d = 2 passes; if largest is142, then d == 3 passes

32 private static final int NUM_VALS = 50; public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = new int[NUM_VALS]; // initialize array with random numbers in range 0 - 99999 Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; i++) arr[i] = rnd.nextInt(100000); // apply the radix sort and output the sorted array radixSort(arr, 5); displayArray(arr); } // end of main() Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections32 see

33 public static void radixSort(int[] arr, int d) { // an arraylist of 10 empty queues ArrayList > qs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i=0;i < 10; i++) qs.add( new LinkedList ()); // the current digit is found by dividing by 10^power int power = 1; for (int i=0;i < d;i++) { distribute(arr, qs, power); collect(qs, arr); power *= 10; } } // end of radixSort() Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections33

34 private static void distribute(int[] arr, ArrayList > qs, int power) { // insert each element into the right queue for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++) qs.get((arr[i] / power) % 10).add(arr[i]); } private static void collect(ArrayList > qs, int[] arr) // gather elements from the queues and copy back to the array { int i=0; for (LinkedList q : qs) while (!q.isEmpty()) arr[i++] = q.remove(); } Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections34

35 Execution

36 Radix Sort Efficiency  The runtime efficiency of radixSort() is O(radix*n) where the list has n elements and the biggest element has radix digits  a fast linear sorting algorithm  But radixSort() uses a lot of memory  it needs one queue for each digit  If we are sorting strings, then we will need 1 queue for each different letter (62+ queues)

37  Deque is a queue where you can insert and remove elements from both ends  short for Double Ended Queue  ArrayDeque stores its elements in a dynamic 'circular' array  always faster than LinkedList for random access  less node creation (on average) than LinkedList, so a bit faster for insertion Deque ("deck") Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections37 «interface» Queue «interface» Deque ArrayDeque see

38  Items are processed in order of priority, NOT in order of addition.  The same methods as in Queue:  isEmpty, add, remove, peek  add and remove run in O(log n) time; peek runs in O(1) time  Works with Comparable objects  or takes a comparator as a parameter; see code Priority Queues 20-38 PriorityQueue «interface» Queue

39 public class Pair { private X x; private Y y; public Pair(X x, Y y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public X getX() { return x; } public Y getY() { return y; } public void setX(X el) { x = el; } public void setY(Y el) { y = el; } public String toString() { return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")"; } } // end of Pair class Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections39 see

40 PriorityQueue > pq = new PriorityQueue >(7, // initial capacity new Comparator >() { public int compare( Pair i, Pair j) { return j.getX() - i.getX(); } // order based on the x in Pair, largest first. }); // enter these 7 money-name pairs pq.offer( new Pair (100, "john") ); // inserting is O(log n) pq.offer( new Pair (10, "billy") ); pq.offer( new Pair (20, "andy") ); pq.offer( new Pair (100, "steven") ); pq.offer( new Pair (70, "felix") ); pq.offer( new Pair (2000, "grace") ); pq.offer( new Pair (70, "martin") ); : Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections40 see

41 /* priority queue will arrange items based on the first x in Pair, largest first. If first keys tie, then the second key is used, largest first. */ for (Pair p : pq) System.out.println(p); // print out the top 3 with most money Pair result = pq.poll(); /* O(1) to access the top / max element + O(log n) removal of the top and repair of the structure */ System.out.println(result.getY() + " has $" + result.getX()); // prints grace has $2000 result = pq.poll(); System.out.println(result.getY() + " has $" + result.getX()); // prints steven has $100 result = pq.poll(); System.out.println(result.getY() + " has $" + result.getX()); // prints john has $100 Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections41 (2000, grace) (100, steven) (100, john) (10, billy) (70, felix) (20, andy) (70, martin)

42  A set is a collection without duplicate values  What is a “duplicate” depends on the implementation  Designed for finding a value quickly 6. Sets 20-42 «interface» Collection TreeSetHashSet «interface» Set

43  Works with Comparable objects  (or takes a comparator as a parameter)  contains(), add(), and remove() run in O(log n) time  for-each returns elements in ascending order  Methods: headset, tailSet, subset() use this ordering TreeSet 20-43 TreeSetHashSet «interface» Set see

44 public class TreeSetWithComparator { public static void main(String a[]) { TreeSet ts = new TreeSet (new StringComp()); ts.add("RED"); ts.add("ORANGE"); ts.add("BLUE"); ts.add("GREEN"); System.out.println(ts); for(String s : ts) System.out.println(" " + s); } class StringComp implements Comparator { public int compare(String s1, String s2) { return s1.compareTo(s2); } } Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections44 > java TreeSetWithComparator [BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, RED] BLUE GREEN ORANGE RED see

45  Works with objects with hashCode() and equals()  Implements a set as a hash table  contains(), add(), and remove() run in O (1) time  faster than TreeSet  for-each returns elements in no particular order HashSet 20-45 TreeSetHashSet «interface» Set

46 7. Maps  A map stores data in key ‑ value pairs.  A key acts like an index to locate the corresponding value in the map  a map is also called an associative array TreeMapHashMap «interface» Map

47 Map Methods 20-47 TreeMapHashMap «interface» Map boolean isEmpty ( ) int size ( ) V get (K key) V put (K key, V value) V remove (K key) boolean containsKey (K key) Set keySet ( ) Map.Entry entrySet() collection views; replace iteration

48 Map Collection Views  A map does not have an iterator/for-each for accessing its elements.  Instead we can use collection views, which are sets that act on the original map  the keySet collection view  a set of key entries  the entrySet collection view  a set of key-value entries  A view is backed by the original Map, so any changes done to the keyset / entrySet will affect the Map as well.

49 System.out.println( userScores.keySet()); // prints keys in ascending order if using TreeSet // iterate through the map using entry set; // accessed in ascending key order if using TreeSet for(Map.Entry entry : userScores.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Integer value = entry.getValue(); System.out.println(" " + key + " => " + value); } Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections49 see

50  Takes a Comparator as a parameter  also works with keys thatimplement Comparable  containsKey(), get(), and put() run in O(log n) time  for-each on entrySet returns elements in ascending order by key  submap() uses this ordering TreeMap 20-50 TreeMapHashSet «interface» Map

51  SortedMap subMap(int fromKey, int toKey)  returns a portion of the TreeMap whose keys range from fromKey (inclusive) to toKey (exclusive)  The SortedMap returned by this method is backed by the original TreeMap  any changes made to SortedMap will change the original TreeMap as well TreeMap.submap() Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections51

52 // display data between ["f".."m") // ('felix' is included, martin' is excluded) SortedMap res = userScores.subMap("f", "m"); System.out.println(res.keySet()); // prints [felix, grace, john] System.out.println(res.values()); // prints [82, 75, 78] Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections52 see

53  Works with key objects with hashCode() and equals()  Implements the key set as a hash table  containsKey(), get(), and put() run in O (1) time  faster than TreeMap  for-each on entrySet returns elements in no particular order HashMap 20-53 TreeMapHashMap «interface» Map

54 8. BitSet  An alternative to boolean[], with many useful methods: BitSet(int nbits) constructor, all nbits bits are false initially void set(int) set a bit at index pos; may dynamically resize set boolean get(int) get bit status at index pos void clear(int) clear a bit (set to false) at index pos void or(BitSet) compute logical-or of two bitsets void and(BitSet) void xor(BitSet) String toString(): nice list of comma-separated on-positions Boolean equals(Object): test if two bitsets are the same

55 BitSet bs1 = new BitSet(20); bs1.set(1); bs1.set(4); BitSet bs2 = new BitSet(20); bs2.set(4); bs2.set(5); System.out.println("bits 1 = " + bs1); System.out.println("bits 2 = " + bs2); if(bs1.equals(bs2)) System.out.println ("bits1 == bits2\n"); else System.out.println ("bits1 ! = bits2\n"); // logically AND the first two BitSets bs1.and(bs2); System.out.println("ANDing bits1 and bits2"); System.out.println("bits1 = " + bs1.toString()); Code Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections55 > java UseBitSet Bits 1 = {1, 4} Bits 2 = {4, 5} bits1 ! = bits2 ANDing bits1 and bits2 bits1 = {4} see

56  BitSet uses a single bit to a boolean value.  Internally the bits are managed inside a long[]  But BitSet only supports int keys, so is limited to 2 32 -1 bits  BitSet is much more space efficient than a boolean[] since Java uses an entire byte to store each element in the boolean array!  hidden-evils-of-javas-byte-array-byte BitSet Implementation Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections56

57  A graph showing the space used by boolean[] and BitSet for 100,000 elements: Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections57

58  The process is a systematic way of selecting values we know are prime and crossing out values we know must be composite.  Create a list of every number from 2 up to as big as we want (e.g to 29)  1. Cross out all multiples of 2: The Sieve of Eratosthenes Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections58

59  Go to next uncrossed number == 3. Cross out all multiples of 3: Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections59  Go to next uncrossed number == 5. Cross out all multiples of 5:

60  Continue until the end of the list is reached: Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections60  The uncrossed numbers are the primes from 2 to 29.

61  Represent the list as a Bitset  Start by setting all the bits to true, and then sieve by setting bit multiples to false.  The advantages of this approach is that the BitSet can represent a very large number sequence, and is quite fast too. Bitset Version of Sieve Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections61 see

62 BitSet sieve = new BitSet(1024); int size = sieve.size(); // set all bits from 2 to 1023 to true for (int i = 2; i < size; i++) sieve.set(i); // to true // start sieving int finalBit = (int) Math.sqrt(size); // can stop at √n, not n for (int i = 2; i < finalBit; i++) { if (sieve.get(i)) { for (int j = 2 * i; j < size; j += i) sieve.clear(j); // to false } : Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections62

63 // display prime numbers from 2 to 1023 int counter = 0; System.out.println("--------- Primes from 2 to 1023 ---------"); for (int i = 2; i < size; i++) { if (sieve.get(i)) { System.out.printf("%4d", i); System.out.print(++counter % 7 == 0 ? "\n" : " "); } Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections63

64 Contest Algorithms: 3. Collections64

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