Apostrophes. What are apostrophes? Apostrophes do the following: They show ownership: Hayden’s dog, Lisa’s purse They show ownership: Hayden’s dog, Lisa’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Apostrophes. What are apostrophes? Apostrophes do the following: They show ownership: Hayden’s dog, Lisa’s purse They show ownership: Hayden’s dog, Lisa’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apostrophes

2 What are apostrophes? Apostrophes do the following: They show ownership: Hayden’s dog, Lisa’s purse They show ownership: Hayden’s dog, Lisa’s purse They show that a letter (or letters) have been left out of two words that have been joined: I + am = I’m; that + is = that’s, etc. They show that a letter (or letters) have been left out of two words that have been joined: I + am = I’m; that + is = that’s, etc. They make letters and numbers plural: The size 10’s are all gone. They make letters and numbers plural: The size 10’s are all gone. They form possessives of time nouns: This year’s TV shows are worse than ever. They form possessives of time nouns: This year’s TV shows are worse than ever.

3 Add –’s to a singular noun to show ownership, even if the noun already ends in –s: Bill’s house, Chris’s car Add –’s to a singular noun to show ownership, even if the noun already ends in –s: Bill’s house, Chris’s car If a noun is plural and ends in –s, just add an apostrophe to show ownership. If it is plural but does not end in –s, add –’s: the girls’ shoes (more than one girl), the children’s clothes If a noun is plural and ends in –s, just add an apostrophe to show ownership. If it is plural but does not end in –s, add –’s: the girls’ shoes (more than one girl), the children’s clothes

4 Do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of a noun. Do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of a noun. INCORRECT The player’s huddled. CORRECT The players huddled. Do not use an apostrophe with a possessive pronoun (like your, yours, ours). Do not use an apostrophe with a possessive pronoun (like your, yours, ours). INCORRECT I like your yard better than our’s. CORRECT I like your yard better than ours.

5 When writing a contraction, put an apostrophe where the letters have been left out, not between two words: When writing a contraction, put an apostrophe where the letters have been left out, not between two words: INCORRECT does’nt CORRECT doesn’t

6 1. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) I dont know whether he wears size 10s or size 12s. B) I don’t know whether he wears size 10s or size 12s. C) I don’t know whether he wears size 10’s or size 12’s. D) none of the above

7 1. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) I dont know whether he wears size 10s or size 12s. B) I don’t know whether he wears size 10s or size 12s. C) I don’t know whether he wears size 10’s or size 12’s. D) none of the above

8 2. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) Johns car was much faster than their’s. B) John’s car was much faster than their’s. C) John’s car was much faster than theirs. D) none of the above

9 2. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) Johns car was much faster than their’s. B) John’s car was much faster than their’s. C) John’s car was much faster than theirs. D) none of the above

10 3. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) I cant read the teachers handwriting. B) I can’t read the teacher’s handwriting. C) I can’t read the teachers’s handwriting. D) none of the above

11 3. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) I cant read the teachers handwriting. B) I can’t read the teacher’s handwriting. C) I can’t read the teachers’s handwriting. D) none of the above

12 4. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) Who’s getting the cake for Dads birthday? B) Whos getting the cake for Dad’s birthday? C) Who’s getting the cake for Dad’s birthday? D) none of the above

13 4. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) Who’s getting the cake for Dads birthday? B) Whos getting the cake for Dad’s birthday? C) Who’s getting the cake for Dad’s birthday? D) none of the above

14 5. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) All of Charles students received A’s last semester. B) All of Charles students received As last semester. C) All of Charles’ student’s received A’s last semester. D) none of the above

15 5. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) All of Charles students received A’s last semester. B) All of Charles students received As last semester. C) All of Charles’ student’s received A’s last semester. D) none of the above; the correct revision is All of Charles’s students received A’s last semester.

16 6. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) There’s no way I can pay this month’s rent. B) Theres no way I can pay this month’s rent. C) There’s no way I can pay this months rent. D) none of the above

17 6. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) There’s no way I can pay this month’s rent. B) Theres no way I can pay this month’s rent. C) There’s no way I can pay this months rent. D) none of the above

18 7. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) My dogs name is Oliver; he’s a terrier. B) My dog’s name is Oliver; hes a terrier. C) My dog’s name is Oliver; he’s a terrier. D) none of the above

19 7. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) My dogs name is Oliver; he’s a terrier. B) My dog’s name is Oliver; hes a terrier. C) My dog’s name is Oliver; he’s a terrier. D) none of the above

20 8. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) I dont know whose computer this is. B) I don’t know who’s computer this is. C) I don’t know whose computer this is. D) none of the above

21 8. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) I dont know whose computer this is. B) I don’t know who’s computer this is. C) I don’t know whose computer this is. D) none of the above

22 9. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) Many toddlers can’t pronounce V’s or S’s. B) Many toddler’s can’t pronounce V’s or S’s. C) Many toddlers can’t pronounce Vs or Ss. D) none of the above

23 9. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) Many toddlers can’t pronounce V’s or S’s. B) Many toddler’s can’t pronounce V’s or S’s. C) Many toddlers can’t pronounce Vs or Ss. D) none of the above

24 10. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. A) Aren’t the boys Halloween costumes frightening? B) Arent the boys Halloween costumes frightening? C) Aren’t the boys’ Halloween costume’s frightening? D) none of the above

25 10. Choose the sentence that has no errors in the use of apostrophes. ANSWER: A) Aren’t the boys Halloween costumes frightening? B) Arent the boys Halloween costumes frightening? C) Aren’t the boys’ Halloween costume’s frightening? D) none of the above; the correct revision is Aren’t the boys’ Halloween costumes frightening?

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