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Mechanisms of support for students and their supervisors on the OU EdD.

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Presentation on theme: "Mechanisms of support for students and their supervisors on the OU EdD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechanisms of support for students and their supervisors on the OU EdD

2 CREET Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA Linda Haggarty, The Open University

3 Numbers on the EdD are growing... May 2004 76 May 2005 122 May 2006 134 May 2007 171 May 2008 210?? 43 internal supervisors 38 external supervisors Linda Haggarty, The Open University,

4 Students can apply to study on the EdD Programme if they have Successfully completed the Masters Programme in Education at the OU, including E835 Educational Research in Action Or Successfully completed a masters degree in education from a UK university (or its equivalent) which includes a course in educational research equivalent to E835 Educational Research in Action and Submitted an acceptable research proposal Linda Haggarty, The Open University,

5 The EdD areas of study - each with an academic coordinator leading the strand A: Curriculum, equity and assessment B: Language and Literacy C: Inclusive education/special education D: Child development E: Developing Lifelong Learning F: Educational management and leadership G: Teacher Education, mentoring and leading professional development H: Foreign language learning J: Online and distance education Linda Haggarty, The Open University,

6 Students are supported through: 12 hours tutorial support each year + extensive written feedback on submitted progress reports against relevant assessment criteria Further support on written work from monitor and postgraduate tutor Extensive feedback on original written proposal; extensive feedback on year 1 final report from two independent assessors A weekend residential in years 1 and 3; day school in year 2 for students and their supervisors Statement of entitlement and responsibility, and third party monitoring Linda Haggarty, The Open University,

7 Extend deadlines; re-negotiate deadlines and submission of PRs; suspension; registration extension Repeat of year 1 if problems meeting end of year 1 assessment criteria Requirement for them to reflect on development as a researcher; and on ways in which study is informing and influencing practice through PR statement. Programme materials and set book Online seminars Online discussion areas Linda Haggarty, The Open University,




11 Online asynchronous seminar programme

12 Progress report feedback form: extract from PRs 05-09

13 Part 1: development as a researcher

14 Part 2: development of professional thinking and practice through research

15 Linda Haggarty, The Open University,

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