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Kennedy! LXTB_S193w&feature=related

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1 Kennedy! LXTB_S193w&feature=related

2 Vietnam War

3 Beginnings: U.S. Involvement in Vietnam U.S. military forces in country during WWII, allied with Viet Minh against Japanese FDR anti-colonial views French colonies Containment French Indochina War (1945-1954) Geneva conference

4 Ho Chi Minh

5 Ngo Dinh Diem

6 North vs. South Viet Minh conducted political assassinations against government officials in South to try and destabilize the government Vietcong

7 Buddhist Crisis May 1963

8 Americanizing the War J.F.K.-firm stand against Communism after Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis Increase in advisors- reached 16,000 by late 1963 Green Berets

9 Election of 1964 V. S. Barry Goldwater L.B.J.

10 Gulf of Tonkin Confrontation between American ships and N. Vietnamese patrol boats in international waters, used to justify direct American intervention

11 American presence in Vietnam 1965-200,000 troops in Vietnam 1966-360,000 1967-475,000 1968-530,000 Operation “Rolling Thunder” 1965-1968 Air Force bombing campaign of North Vietnam military and industrial targets

12 and Two goals: 1.Find and defeat enemy 2.Gain support and cooperation from people, capitalistic republic Family life-children pursue easy $ and western lifestyles Inflation Prostitution Relocation programs-Strategic Hamlet Tet Offensive of 1968

13 My Lai Massacre March 16 th, 1968 347-504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam Many women, children, and elderly people Sexual abuse, torture, mutilation

14 My Lai

15 1968 Democratic National Convention Chicago Riots

16 Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam November 1969

17 Kent State May 4 th 1970

18 Winter Soldier Investigation

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