St. Matthew UMC. We have seen why we need to make extensive repairs to our Sanctuary Building, Bell Tower and Covered Walkways. While we don’t have the.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Matthew UMC. We have seen why we need to make extensive repairs to our Sanctuary Building, Bell Tower and Covered Walkways. While we don’t have the."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Matthew UMC

2 We have seen why we need to make extensive repairs to our Sanctuary Building, Bell Tower and Covered Walkways. While we don’t have the exact cost of the repairs, the Finance Committee has set $2,000,000 as our maximum to be used for these repairs.

3 How Will We Raise the Funds Needed? 1)Our Faith, Our Family, Our Future - current Capital Campaign 2)Mortgage 3)Land Sale 4)Bridge the gap with a new Capital Campaign 1 2 43

4 Our Faith, Our Family, Our Future Current Capital Campaign $349,760 pledged $267,409 total received to date: $247,909 pledges received $19,500 unpledged received ________________________________________ $369,260 total (pledges + unpledged donations) 1

5 Additional Mortgage $137,000Current mortgage $363,000 Additional mortgage ___________________________ $500,000 Total mortgage Assuming interest rates remain at the current levels, debt service on the new mortgage should be approximately the same as current payments. 2

6 Land Sale Parcel at rear of Education Building – corner of Boxwood and Partridge Lane Approximately 2 acres Residential lots 3

7 Land Sale 3

8 The Trustees and Board of Stewards have approved the land sale. The congregation will vote on this at a Congregational Meeting. Prior to the Congregational Meeting, two additional meetings will be scheduled to answer questions from church members. 3

9 New Capital Campaign Bridge the gap between land sale and actual cost $369,260 Capital Campaign (pledges + unpledged donations) $363,000 Mortgage $???,000Land Sale $???,000New Capital Campaign _________________________________________ $2,000,000Funds to be used for repairs 4

10 Next Meetings Two meetings are scheduled for the congregation to ask questions: Wednesday, August 26 th 6:00 pm in the Parlor Sunday, August 30 th 4:00 pm in the Parlor

11 Thank You

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