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Chapter six exercises. 6.1 1. 17 2. 0 1000 1 1100 2.

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1 Chapter six exercises

2 6.1

3 1. 17 2. 0 1000 1 1100 2


5 3. You are a super programmer!


7 7. The value of q keeps growing until the program crashes when the value exceeds the upper limit for a variable of the type Single. 8. Program never stops. The line n = 1 should appear before the Do loop.


9 11. While num >= 7 12. While nom <> "Bob" 13. Until response <> "Y" 14. Until total <> 10 15. Until nom = "" 16. While balance < 100 17. Until (a = 3) 18. While (ans <> "") And (n <> 0) 19. While n = 0 20. Until (ans <> "Y") Or (n >= 7)



12 Private Sub cmdDisplayConvTable_Click() Dim celsius As Single picTempTable.Cls picTempTable.Print "Celsius"; Tab(10); "Fahrenheit" celsius = -40 Do While celsius <= 40 picTempTable.Print celsius; Tab(10); (9 / 5) * celsius + 32 celsius = celsius + 5 Loop End Sub



15 Private Sub cmdFindPrimeFactors_Click() Dim n As Integer, f As Integer 'Prime factorization picFactors.Cls n = Val(InputBox("Enter an integer greater than 1:")) picFactors.Print "The prime factors of"; n; "are:" f = 2 Do While n > 1 If (n Mod f) <> 0 Then 'Or If Int(n/f) <> n/f Then f = f + 1 Else picFactors.Print f; n = n / f End If Loop End Sub

16 6.2




20 1. 13 2. Roxie 3. pie Velma cake melon 4. Chicago 8.8 New York 20.1

21 6.3

22 1. Pass # 1 Pass # 2 Pass # 3 Pass # 4 2. 6 8 10 12 3. 2 4 6 8 Who do we appreciate?


24 8. Average = 90


26 17. Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() Dim num As Integer For num = 1 To 10 Step 2 picOutput.Print num Next num End Sub 18. Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() Dim num As Integer For num = 1 To 4 picOutput.Print "hello" Next num End Sub

27 19. Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() Dim i As Integer 'Display a row of 10 stars picOutput.Cls For i = 1 To 10 picOutput.Print "*"; Next i End Sub 20. Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() Dim i As Integer, stars As Integer 'Display a row of stars picOutput.Cls stars = Val(InputBox("Row length (1-20) : ")) For i = 1 To stars picOutput.Print "*"; Next i End Sub

28 21. Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer 'Display 10 x 10 array of stars picOutput.Cls For i = 1 To 10 For j = 1 To 10 picOutput.Print "*"; Next j picOutput.Print Next i End Sub


30 35. Private Sub cmdDraw_Click() Dim stars As Integer, i As Integer picOutput.Cls picOutput.Font.Name = "Courier New" stars = Val(InputBox("Number of stars?")) For i = 1 To stars picOutput.Print "*"; Next i picOutput.Print For i = 1 To stars - 2 picOutput.Print "*"; For j = 1 To stars - 2 picOutput.Print " "; Next j picOutput.Print "*" Next i For i = 1 To stars picOutput.Print "*"; Next i End Sub

31 36. Private Sub cmdDraw_Click() Dim stars As Integer, topSize As Integer 'Draw a triangle picOutput.Cls picOutput.Font.Name = "Courier New" topSize = Val(InputBox("Enter an odd number:")) For stars = topSize To 1 Step -2 For i = 1 To stars picOutput.Print "*"; Next i picOutput.Print Next stars End Sub

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