Integrating the Internet into the Classroom part 2 facilitator: Alexei Andreev Novosibirsk State University June 24, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating the Internet into the Classroom part 2 facilitator: Alexei Andreev Novosibirsk State University June 24, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating the Internet into the Classroom part 2 facilitator: Alexei Andreev Novosibirsk State University June 24, 2004

2 Integrating the Internet into the Classroom 1. Web-based Activity Formats (revision) 2. Internet-based Courses 3. Telecollaboration 4. Creating a Web-based Scenario

3 Web-based Activities Formats 1. Topic Hotlist 2. Multimedia Scrapbook 3. Treasure Hunt 4. Subject Sampler 5. WebQuest These activities can be created using Filamentality Project

4 Internet-based Course Advanced Writing

5 Internet-based Course Английский для начинающих

6 Telecollaboration – Activity Structures based on the article “Using Activity Structures to Design Student Projects” by Judi Harris Activity structures are divided into 3 major categories according to the dominant type of learning act that each activity class used: Interpersonal exchange Information collection and analysis Problem solving

7 Interpersonal Exchange Students "talk" electronically with one another by using e-mail, asynchronous large-group discussion tools such as Internet boards (forums), or real-time text or audio- and videoconferencing tools like Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Keypals Global Classrooms Electronic Appearances Question-and-Answer Activities

8 Information collection and analysis Students collect, compile, and compare different types of information. Database Creation Electronic Publishing Telefieldtrip

9 Problem Solving One of the best learning opportunities we can offer students of any age. The Internet can be used to support problem-based learning around the world through information searches, peer feedback activities, simulations, etc. Information Search Peer Feedback Activity Simulations

10 Scenarios Scenarios, a format used by Joan Berger, an Internet educational consultant, may be used with students individually, with cooperative groups, or as whole-class Internet lessons. This activity format poses issues to be explored or problems to be solved. Scenario Structure Investigation (role description) Questions (tasks) to guide students Sites to search

11 Acknowledgements: English Language Office of Public Affairs Section at the U.S. Embassy Department of Information Technologies, NSU Special Thanks to: Elena Nikitina, vice-dean of the Department of Information Technologies Alexei Romanenko for technical support

12 Integrating the Internet into the Classroom facilitator: Alexei Andreev

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