BUILDING SKILLS AND STRATEGIES How services for women and families can change within a Recovery Oriented System of Care.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING SKILLS AND STRATEGIES How services for women and families can change within a Recovery Oriented System of Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILDING SKILLS AND STRATEGIES How services for women and families can change within a Recovery Oriented System of Care

2 WOMEN AND SUBSTANCE USE- WHAT IS UNIQUE?  Gender differences do exist in substance use disorders  Unique biopsychosocial and developmental issues create or intensify these differences  Understanding of these specific factors can assist in understanding and responding to the treatment needs of female clients

3 THREE AREAS TO EVALUATE  Biological and psychological  Social  Developmental

4 BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS  Physical responses to substances  Medical problems/disorders …Gynecological needs  Pregnancy …Prenatal substance exposure/FASD

5 BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS, CONT.  Increased incidence of co-occurring disorders  History of trauma

6 SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS  Relationships and family history influence: …Patterns of use and continuation of use …Treatment seeking, support for recovery and relapse  Pregnancy, parenting and childcare  Obstacles across the continuum of care: …Caregiver roles …Gender expectations …Socioeconomic hardships

7 SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS, CONT.  Engagement and attendance  Stressful life events  Paths to accessing treatment  Relational needs related to treatment  Stigma and substance abuse

8 DEVELOPMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS  Unique life-course issues …Identity and gender expectations …Educational, employment and career issues …Pregnancy, parenting and childcare issues …Menopause …Caring for parents and partners

9 SERVICE NEEDS OF WOMEN WITH FAMILIES  Medical  Psycho-education  Gender specific  Cultural and Language needs  Life skills  Comprehensive case management  Mental health  Disability services

10 TREATMENT ISSUES FOR WOMEN WITH FAMILIES  Relationships and the need for connection  The influence of the family  Partner relationships  Sexuality  Pregnancy and parenting  History of trauma  Co-occurring disorders

11 WOMEN’S COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES IN KENT COUNTY  Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) …3 year case management/advocacy program serving women who have drank alcohol during current or recent pregnancy.  Family Engagement Therapy (FET) …Serve women with children who are at risk of family separation due to substance use.  Women’s Project Access …Provide care coordination, therapy and advocacy for women who are pregnant and/or are working towards reunification with their children.

12 STRATEGIES FOR SERVING WOMEN WITH SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS  Trauma Informed  Motivational Interviewing  Community based  Engagement  Address basic needs  Long term services  Address cognitive needs

13 SPECIFIC TOOLS  Recovery  Goal Setting  Family  Mental health

14 TOOLS, CONT.  Advocacy  Relational work

15 FUTURE STRATEGIES  Acudetox-5 point  Building community relationships

16 REFERENCES AND RESOURCES TIP 51 Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women Seeking Safety Treatment Lisa Najavits, PhD Parent-Child Assistance Program

17 CONTACT INFORMATION Cathy Worthem, LMSW CAADC Program Manager Community Based Recovery Services Arbor Circle Corporation 616-459-7215, ext. 1328 Terri Sprader, MA, LPC, SPADA, CAADC Clinical Supervisor Women’s Services Arbor Circle Corporation 616-459-7215, Ext. 1213

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