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ANCIENT GREECE: CLASSICAL Eduarda Ciarlini 3th period.

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1 ANCIENT GREECE: CLASSICAL Eduarda Ciarlini 3th period

2 INTRODUCTION Most of the Greek relics are representation of Gods, or sometimes even demigods (sons of gods with humans), and that happens because their life always had a big influence by religion. That’s why many buildings, sculptures, pots, etc, were directed to worship the Gods.

3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND To better understand the artistic expressions of the Greeks is necessary to resume the importance of religion and its manifestation in human life. Mythology means the study of myths, which means the study of the history of the gods. This means that, for the Greeks, each god was born at a certain time and developed his life with its own characteristics. The Greeks have represented the gods in human form and mostly believed they possessed virtues and defects. The Greek religion attached great value to the gods at the same time attached great value to men. So their culture is considered anthropocentric, individualistic and rational ; It is still hedonistic, allowing the man to carry out works that reflect his inner feelings, producing for pleasure, without being utilitarian, as we saw in the ancient oriental culture, pragmatic.


5 ARCHITECTURE  In Greek architecture, we can find three different types o colums, whith diferent size, shape and even details.

6 DORIC This kind of style can be characterized by his sturdy top an the fact that he is plain, which makes it much different from the others that are more elaborated. A perfect example of Doric style is the Parthenon. The Parthenon is at Acropolis, Athena, and is a temple building to worship de Goddess Athena, whom the people considered their Patron. The construction began in 447 BC, when the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. The temple where complete in 438 BC, but his decoration took more six years, being finished in 432 BC. The Parthenon is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece. Before this Parthenon were build, there were another one, but unfortunately was destroyed in the Persian Invasion in 480 BC. Historians call it Pre-Parthenon.

7 IMAGEM DO PARTENON Parthenon Acropolis, Athena 447 BC- 438 BC Marble.

8 IONIC The ionic styles, is thinner than the Doric style, but is more elegant. Is decorated whit scroll. The temple Erechtheion has his columns on the Ionic style. Is an ancient Greek temple located on the north side of the Acropolis of Athena, and is was dedicates to Athena and Poseidon. His construction started in 421 BC and was complete in 406 BC.


10 CORINTHIAN This style is rarely used in the Greek world, but is often found in Roman Temples. The Corinthian style is very different from the other two, which are simpler, this is style is much more elaborated and decorated with acanthus leaves.


12 SCULPTURES The sculptures, like the architecture, is related to the Gods, most of them are representations of the Gods, or demigods (Gods children with humans), but we can easily find sculptures of warriors, or representation of athletes.

13 THE DISCUS THROWER Is a Greek sculpture, that unfortunately is lost, but there’s a lot of copies, and that’s how we know how it looks like. The copies are made of different kinds of stone, like marble or bronze. Was made by Myron, and he was the first sculpture to master this style. It was made in 460-450 BC. The moment captured in the statue is an example of rhythmus, which means harmony and balance. And, naturally, the sculpture is completely nude, as always happens with Greek athletics.


15 FALLEN WARRIOR FROM TEMPLE OF APHAIA It was made in 510 BCE, in Glyptotch, Munich. The material that the artist used, appears to be a stone craved into this sculpture. The warrior was badly injured, but he refused to surrender. This sculpture is very expressive in nature, it’s possible to see the details of torture and injuries he has suffered. The artist has executed the method of expression to communicate heighten emotions. The warrior has his leg amputated partially, but he still trying to get up to seek for help.

16 FOTO DA ESCULTURA Fallen Warrior from temple of Aphaia 510 BCE Glyptotch, Munich

17 THE RIACE BRONZE Two famous full-size Greek bronze statues that represents two warriors, they are both naked and they are bearded. They were made around he years 460-450 BC and they were found by Stefano Mariottini during his holiday in August 16, 1972, near Riace. They are located at the Museum Nazionale della Magna Grecia in Reggio Calabria, Italy. There’s a theory about this sculpture, and it says that different artists created each one, 30 years apart from each other around the 5 th centry BC. The first one, or Statue A, was probably created between 460 and 450 BC, and the second statue, or Statue B, was created between 430 and 420 BC. Also, they believe that Statue A as created by Myron, the same artist that created The Discus Thrower. And the Statue B was created by Alkamenes.

18 The Riace Bronze 460 and 450 BC 430 and 420 BC Bronze

19 GOD FROM THE SEA, ZEUS OF POSEIDON (ARTEMISION BRONZE) Is an ancient Greek Sculpture, it was rescued from the sea off Cape Artemision, in northern Euboea. It can represent either Zeus, or Poseidon. Is 209 cm 3, and it would have held either a thunderbolt or a trident. This sculpture is a bug mystery, because we don’t know who it represents. Those who would do so have been known to argue that the image must be that of the great sea god since the statue was found in the Mediterranean. The others clamed to be Zeus, because the position of his hand, is equal to the other statues that represent this God.

20 God from the Sea, Zeus or Poseidon Cape Artemision Bronze

21 THE MOTYA CHARIOTEER ( COLOCAR NAS MINHAS PALAVRAS) The Motya Charioteer was created between the yeas 480 and 470 BC. This is sculpture is a very rare surviving example of an original Greek victor’s statue, and is believed the represent the winner of a chariot race. He was found in 1979, not too long ago, in amid excavation on the Island of Motya ( western tip of Sicily) He was identified as a charioteer because of the long tunic, the xystis ( a garment that cover the entire body, and fastened with a simple belt)

22 Motya Charioteer 480-470 BC Island of Motya ( western tip of Sicily)

23 POTTERY Nao tem muito o que falar, mas ja que um dos potes ou ceramica e de dionisio entao seria bom contar um pouco so0bre ele, apenas que ele era deu das festas e do vinho Pesquisar tbm quem era o dono daquele outro pote e contar brevemente sobre

24 THE DIONYSUS CUP BY EXEKIAS The Dionysus cup was made 540-530 BCE, by a famous ancient Greek artist, Exekias. The cup is 13.6 cm high and 30.6 cm diameter, is composed by only a few large shreds. The inside image, tondo, takes up almost the entire interior of the cup. In the center there’s a sailing ship, travelling from right to left. The prow of the ship is decorated like an animal’s head. Within the ship is a well over life sized figure, it’s the God Dionysus. Exekias wrote on the potter his own signature, to show everybody that he was the artist that made this. The meaning of this pottery have been suggest based on the interior image. One of the most common suggestion is that is a reference to the seventh Homeric Hymn, in which is explained how the God, Dionysus, was kidnapped by pirates, who didn’t know his truly identity. To scape, the god confused their thoughts and made them jump into the water, where they transform into dolphins. The second possibility is the arrival of Dionysus at the Athenian Anthesteria is depicted.

25 The Dionysus cup 540-530 BCE 13.6 cm high and 30.6 cm diameter Ceramic

26 THE SIREN VASE The Siren Vase was made by an ancient Greek artist, unfortunately we don’t know his heal name, only his nickname Siren painter. His name was derived from the subject of one of his artworks. It was made between 500 - 480 BC. Today the vase is located in London. The image on the vase means Odysseus, tied to the mast of his ship, as his companions row and the Sirens swoop around singing their beguiling song. In the image, the Sirens are represented represented as a bird with female head.

27 The Siren Vase 500 - 480 BC Ceramic

28 VIDEO s/the_motya_charioteer.aspx s/the_motya_charioteer.aspx

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