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Chapter 1: Introduction

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1 Chapter 1: Introduction
Brickley, Smith, and Zimmerman, Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, 4th ed. Chapter 1: Introduction

2 Subject Overview Competitive strategy Internal structure
products and markets product characteristics production choices product pricing competitor behavior Internal structure decision rights (empowerment) compensation practices performance evaluation

3 Introduction learning objectives
Students should be able to Describe generally how economics can aid in management decision making Describe “economic Darwinism”

4 The Economic Perspective
How are resources allocated among competing uses? in society in the firm How do individuals make decisions? the role of incentives incentive conflicts and opportunistic behavior

5 Economic Darwinism Only the fittest survive
competition encourages efficient decisions maximizing shareholder value Firms “benchmark” successful practices successful management practices spawn imitators but organization’s architecture must be compatible with innovation

6 Organizational Architecture
Systematic approach to identifying and correcting organizational problems Three critical aspects of organization: the architecture Assignment of decision rights Methods of rewarding individuals Performance evaluation of individuals and business units

7 Managerial implications
Existing architectures are not random Surviving architectures are optimal relative to competitors Environmental change may dictate architecture change

8 Fundamental concepts People act in their own self interest
which is not the same as being greedy! Information is asymmetric we don’t all share the same information assignment of decision rights must be compatible with access to information reward and evaluation systems must in turn be compatible with decision rights

9 Mechanisms for Allocating
Scarce Resources Markets “Sells” labor “Buys” labor Sells product Buys product Household division of labor Hierarchical decision making

10 Making choices Individual Social Strategic
Buying DVDs Social Electing a president Committee decisions Strategic Anticipating a response What role does uncertainty play?

11 The nature of a free market economy
Property rights Freely functioning markets Supply function and curve Demand function and curve Equilibrium price and volume

12 Role and functions of prices
Coordination Incentives Rationing Signaling

13 Organizational Decision Making
Costs Benefits If the benefits of an action outweigh the costs, do it Create and sell a new product (marketing, operations) Hire (or fire) an employee (human resources) Build a new plant (senior management team--capital budgeting) Select a new vendor (operations, purchasing) Issue bonds (finance)

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