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July 2015.  HMO definitions  Planning requirements  HMOs for licensing purposes  Fire Safety  Space and Amenities  Hazards & management standards.

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Presentation on theme: "July 2015.  HMO definitions  Planning requirements  HMOs for licensing purposes  Fire Safety  Space and Amenities  Hazards & management standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 2015

2  HMO definitions  Planning requirements  HMOs for licensing purposes  Fire Safety  Space and Amenities  Hazards & management standards

3 Essential components for HMOs with shared amenities:  Two or more households  Three or more individuals ‘Household’ - can be a family, a couple (including same sex couples) or a single person. 3 unrelated people = 3 households ‘Individuals’ – all residents - this includes children and babies

4 Planning legislation recognises 2 types of residential HMO, distinct from single family houses:  3 to 6 persons [2 or more households] = Planning use class C4  More than 6 persons – a use outside the recognised use classes Article 4 Direction – affects C4 HMOs created after 16 September 2014 All HMOs need appropriate planning permission

5  Current planning policies resist the loss of family homes  General presumption against granting planning consent for new HMOs created after 16 September 2014 [or earlier for larger HMOs]  Council will take account of any planning issues in determining property licence applications

6  ‘Mandatory HMO licensing’ has been in place for about 10 years  Applies to HMOs of 3 or more storeys with 5 or more individuals forming two or more households  ‘storeys’ should refer to the number of floors within the licensed dwelling but also includes a non-residential/commercial use on a lower floor. So a 2 storey maisonette above a shop = 3 storeys

7  HMOs that do not come within mandatory licensing will need a PRPL licence  Standard exemptions will apply – RSL accommodation, educational & religious establishments  Converted flats, where the whole building might be an HMO under the Housing Act, are more straightforward for licensing – each separate rented flat will need its own licence

8  All types of HMOs will require a higher standard of fire protection than a single family house  Requirements vary depending on type of HMO [shared house etc] and number of storeys  Additional requirements also apply to buildings converted into flats and flats above shops  Lacors Guide – reference document  Design guides

9  Council have adopted HMO standards that apply where one or more amenities shared  Include minimum ratios of baths, WCs and kitchens to HMO residents sharing  Include minimum room sizes for bedrooms – single and double rooms  Standards can be found on Council web pages

10  Housing Health and Safety Rating System [HHSRS] applies to HMOs  Management Regulations also apply to HMOs  Management Regulations include important requirements for landlords to maintain services, maintain common areas and to keep tenant accommodation in good repair

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