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May 28, 2014 1. 34.2 Notes (part 1) The Clinton Years 2. 34.2 Vocabulary.

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2 May 28, 2014 1. 34.2 Notes (part 1) The Clinton Years 2. 34.2 Vocabulary


4 Clinton’s 1 st Term Clinton focused on 5 major areas: 1. Economy 2. Family 3. Education 4. Crime 5. Health Care 1 st : Lower the deficit! How? 1. Cut spending… What about Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, etc.? 2. Raised taxes on upper and middle class. Republicans across country and in /Congress not happy…

5 Health Care Clinton promised to reform health care system. 40 million Americans = 15% did not have health insurance. Hillary Clinton led Task Force on National Healthcare Reform. September, 1993: Clinton presented plan to guarantee coverage for all Americans. Who pays? Business owners, wealthy, and those with private insurance. Sorry Mr. President…too much opposition so no vote in Congress.

6 Family and Education Family Medical Leave Act: Gave workers up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid family leave time. AmeriCorps: High school and college students work improving low income housing, teaching kids to read, cleaning up environment, etc. and were awarded scholarships for their service.

7 Crime and Gun Control Brady Bill: Mandatory background checks and waiting period on handgun purchases. Also signed a bill to provide states extra money to build new prisons and hire more cops. James Brady and President Clinton

8 May 30, 2014 1. Collect Current Event 2. Continue 34.2 Notes- The Clinton Years 3. Video Clip: Crash Course on the 1990’s and the Clinton Years 4. 34.3 Vocabulary

9 1994 Mid-Term Elections Clinton raised taxes and did not pass health care reform. Midterm elections approaching in 1994… Republicans in Congress led by Newt Gingrich Contract with America Lower taxes, welfare reform, balanced budget amendment, etc. Many passed the House immediately but denied in Senate or by Clinton.

10 1996 Election Economic boom of 1990’s helped Clinton. Unemployment down, inflation down, stock market up, # of people on welfare down, etc. Republican: Se. Bob Dole of Kansas. Dole promised 15% tax cut. Reform Party: Perot again Clinton wins again.


12 Clinton Domestic Issues Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Family Leave Act Brady Bill Welfare to Work

13 February, 1993

14 April, 1993

15 July, 1993

16 September, 1993

17 October, 1993

18 December, 1993

19 April, 1994

20 May-July, 1994

21 April, 1995

22 January, 1998

23 August, 1998

24 December, 1998

25 April, 1999

26 Election of 2000

27 March, 1999

28 Clinton Domestic Issues Health-care reform – proposes universal health coverage – advocated by Hillary – rejected in Congress

29 Contract With America 1994 Congressional elections – Newt Gingrich: Contract w/America Conservative talk shows, NRA Republicans win majority – leads to “Gov’t Shutdown” in 1995 Reelected in ’96 Takes Republican issues of welfare reform and balanced budget

30 Foreign Issues NAFTA 1994 – North American Free Trade Agreement lowered tariffs between U.S., Canada and Mexico Election of Mandela Somolia- Black Hawk Down Ethnic Cleansing in former Yugoslavia – Bosnia: Muslims, Serbs, Croats 1995 Kosovo: Serbian troops massacre ethnic Albanians NATO bombing forces Serbians to withdraw from Kosovo

31 Foreign Issues Northern Ireland Mideast: recognition of Israel by Jordan Return of home rule to Palestine?


33 Terrorism

34 Timothy McVeigh

35 Columbine 1999

36 Terrorism USS COLE 2000


38 Scandals Jennifer Flowers White Water Monicagate

39 Impeachment Clinton has affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky

40 Impeachment (1998) Clinton lied under oath about affair (Perjury) Special Prosecutor appointed to investigate Charged with perjury and obstruction of justice Acquitted by Congress

41 2000 Election Al Gore (Dem) v GW Bush (Rep)

42 2000 Election One of the closest in history Came down to Florida Recount of ballots ordered Supreme Court ruled to end recount Bush lost popular vote but won the election

43 Democrats angered by outcome

44 Domestic Issues Tax cuts No Child Left Behind – increased student and teacher accountability but did not provided funding for mandates Attempted to “privatize” Social Security

45 Foreign Issues September 11, 2001- U.S. attacked by multinational terrorist group Al-Qaida

46 Got Liberties? PATRIOT ACT Bush Administration critics have accused Bush of violating Americans’ Constitutional rights tapping phones and computers Bush argues that warrantless wiretapping is necessary to protect against terrorism and is within his executive authority

47 Foreign Issues Creation of Department of Homeland Security Bush orders invasion of Afghanistan shortly after to pursue Al-Qaida and Osama Bin- Laden Bush announces “War on Terror” Bush Doctrine – “preemptive war” = right to attack anyone who might possibly be thinking about maybe sometime in the future if they can possibly think about attacking us

48 Foreign Issues Invasion of Iraq (2003) – to find WMD…I mean remove Saddam…I mean establish democracy…well, we’re there we need to finish the job Saddam is deposed, civil war and violence has ensued Al-Qaida NOW has presence in Iraq

49 Reelected in 2004 Defeats John Kerry in narrow victory

50 Katrina

51 Barrack Obama

52 Obama American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 – (Stimulus Package) Health Care Reform “Obamacare” Tea Party Bin Laden

53 Major Issues In Modern World Technology – increased pace of change Scarcity of Energy Resources – War? Recession? Global Warming? Alternative Sources? Internet – Access to more info than ever – the great democratizer? - invasions of privacy? – Threat to traditional learning?

54 Major Issues In Modern World Terrorism – by organizations or nations Growth of multinational corporations – too much wealth and influence? Has led to outsourcing but increased global trade Longer life spans – how to support aging population

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