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PICTURE THIS Science Olympiad Summer Institute Phoenix, AZ July 13 - 17, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "PICTURE THIS Science Olympiad Summer Institute Phoenix, AZ July 13 - 17, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 PICTURE THIS Science Olympiad Summer Institute Phoenix, AZ July 13 - 17, 2015

2 DESCRIPTION One team member draws a representation of a scientific term/concept while the other team member guesses what term/concept is being drawn A team of 2 (new this year)

3 Event Parameters Supervisor provides writing implements paper

4 The Competition Number of terms 16 - 25 All teams use same terms in same order

5 The Competition (cont.) Time - 4 minutes Time begins when supervisor gives 1st Sketcher the 1st term

6 The Competition (cont.) Each team member will take turns drawing A term may be passed If a term is passed, the drawing rotates to the other team member Sketcher may not speak except to pass on a term

7 The Competition (cont.) Letters of any alphabet, numbers of any kind are not allowed Symbols are not allowed EXCEPT “+” or “-” allowed to lengthen or shorten a word “_” allowed to indication number of word(s) in a term/concept

8 The Competition (cont.) After guesser has said one of the words the sketcher may write that term down after supervisor approves of the word Sketchers can not write parts of a word

9 The Competition (cont.) Forms of word not accepted with the exception of singulars and plurals

10 The Competition (cont.) Sketchers may not give visual clues except supervisor demonstrated clues such as nodding to indicate yes or no. Teams violating rules about alphabets, numbers, symbols, etc. will have the term in play counted as a pass.

11 Scoring One point awarded for each term correctly identified Team identifying the most terms is the winner

12 Scoring Tiebreakers 1st - fewest terms passed 2nd - shortest period of time to complete entire list 3rd - longest string of consecutively correct terms 4th - team which identifies the first word in the list not correctly identified by the other team

13 Terms/Concepts Should represent a cross-sampling of science disciplines Earth Life Physical Science Technology Inquiry

14 Terms/Concepts May be found in index or glossary of age appropriate textbooks dictionaries other science resources

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