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Everyday Math Grade 4 – Lesson 1.4 Parallelograms Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott.

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Presentation on theme: "Everyday Math Grade 4 – Lesson 1.4 Parallelograms Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyday Math Grade 4 – Lesson 1.4 Parallelograms Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

2 Lesson Components: Part 1: Math Boxes 1.4 Page 9Math Boxes 1.4 Page 9 Part 2: Geometry ReviewGeometry Review Part 3: PowerPoint LessonPowerPoint Lesson Part 4: Turning Point QuizTurning Point Quiz Part 5: Math Journal Page 8Math Journal Page 8 Part 6: Parallelogram PosterParallelogram Poster Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

3 Math Boxes Lesson 1.4

4 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Math Box 1:

5 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Math Box 2:

6 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Math Box 3:

7 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Math Box 4:

8 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Math Box 5:


10 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott GEOMETREY REVIEW

11 A Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Name the Figure Point

12 BA Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Name the Figure Line Segment

13 ABC Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Name the Figure Line

14 BA Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Name the Figure Ray

15 A B C Name the Angle Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Right Angle 90 degrees

16 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Name the Angle Acute Angle Less than 90 degrees

17 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Name the Angle Obtuse Angle Greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees

18 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Name the Angle Straight Angle 180 degrees

19 Name the Figure Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Isosceles Triangle

20 Name the Figure Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Equilateral Triangle

21 Name the Figure Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Scalene Triangle

22 Name the Figure Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Right Triangle


24 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott Lesson 1.4 Skill: Parallelograms

25 Part 1: What does it mean if something is parallel? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

26 f If 2 things are parallel, it means that they are an equal distance apart and that they never touch. Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott What does it mean if something is parallel?

27 f Circle the Pairs of Parallel Lines Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

28 Name: ______________________ H GI Naming Parallel Lines E D F Name: ______________________ JK Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott JLM

29 Part 2: What is a quadrangle? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

30 A quadrangle is a closed figure that has ___ sides and ___ angles. Another name for a quadrangle is a quadrilateral. Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott What is an quadrangle?

31 Practice 1: Is it a quadrangle? A. Yes or No Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott B. Yes or No

32 Practice 2: Is it a quadrangle? C. Yes or No Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott D. Yes or No

33 Practice 3: Is it a quadrangle? E. Yes or No Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott F. Yes or No

34 Part 3: Special Quadrangles Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

35 A square is a quadrangle with 4 __________ sides, and 4 __________ angles. Square Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

36 A rectangle is a quadrangle with 4 sides and 4 __________ angles. Rectangle Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

37 A rhombus is a quadrangle with 4 __________ sides. Opposite sides sides are parallel and opposite angles are __________. Rhombus Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

38 A trapezoid is a quadrangle with 1 __________ of sides that are parallel. Trapezoids Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

39 A kite is a quadrangle with 2 pairs of equal sides. The equal sides are next to each other. The four sides cannot have the same length. Kite Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

40 Match the Quadrangles: 1.Square 2.Rectangle 3.Trapezoid 4.Rhombus 5.Kite Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

41 Part 4: What is a parallelogram? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

42 A parallelogram is a quadrangle with opposite sides equal and opposite angles equal. Note: The opposite sides must be parallel to each other. What is a parallelogram? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

43 A _________________, _________________, and _________________are all considered parallelograms because: 1. Opposite sides are equal 2. Opposite angles are equal Parallelograms Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

44 These are all parallelograms: Parallelograms Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott rectanglerhombus parallelogram square

45 These are not parallelograms: Not Parallelograms Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott kitetrapezoid

46 Practice 1: Is it a parallelogram? A. Yes or No Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott B. Yes or No

47 Practice 2: Is it a parallelogram? C. Yes or No Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott D. Yes or No

48 Practice 3: Is it a parallelogram? E. Yes or No Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott F. Yes or No

49 Practice 4: Is it a parallelogram? E. Yes or No Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott F. Yes or No

50 Remember parallelograms have opposite equal sides and opposite equal angles. Circle the Parallelograms Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott


52 Part 5: Turning Point Review Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

53 Is it a parallelogram? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott 1.Yes 2.No

54 Is it a parallelogram? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott 1.Yes 2.No

55 Is it a parallelogram? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott 1.Yes 2.No

56 Is it a parallelogram? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott 1.Yes 2.No

57 Is it a parallelogram? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott 1.Yes 2.No

58 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

59 Does this make sense? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott


61 CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK Everyday Math Journal Page: 8 Copyright © 20010Kelly Mott


63 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott HOMEWORK

64 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott HOMEWORK

65 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott HOMEWORK

66 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott HOMEWORK

67 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott HOMEWORK

68 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott HOMEWORK

69 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott


71 CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK Poster Showing Parallelograms Copyright © 20010Kelly Mott

72 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott HOMEWORK : PARALLELOGRAM POSTER RectangleSquareRhombus Parallelograms

73 Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott

74 Does this make sense? Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott


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