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Continuing the line Genes Mating rituals Chemical signals Multiple mates Competition.

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1 Continuing the line Genes Mating rituals Chemical signals Multiple mates Competition

2  As the 19 th century came around it was generally thought that species remained unchanged since their creation. However this was about to face one thunderstorm change of thought

3 In the battle of Natural Selection against the Inheritance of Acquired Traits

4  Youngest of eleven kids  Military family  Expert in plants of France  Philosophie Zoologique, book  Continued with research, living a poor's mans life

5  Species never become extinct instead they continue to change over time  Animal species change over time, due to the changes in their environment  Change occurs not by chance

6  1. Tendency toward perfection If an animal wanted to change something, it could Through the study of fossils species started out simple and moved toward complexity  2. Use and Disuse If you don’t use it you will lose it  3. Inheritance of acquired traits Changes made during an animal’s life could be passed down to its offspring


8  Always enjoyed science growing up but wasn’t fit for medical school Sent to Cambridge with the intention on becoming a clergyman  Loved sports and entomology  Almost didn’t make the voyage on the Beagle as the ships naturalist

9  1. Change over time Pre-existing variation  2. Variation within a population or species Everyone is just a little different  3. Natural selection Adaptations Survival of the fittest  4. All connected to the environment

10 1. Organisms have changed over time. 2. Organisms changed because they wanted to survive. 3.There was variation in a population. (everyone was a little different) 4. Certain traits helped organisms survive and reproduce better than other organisms without those traits. (all about genetics) 5. Organisms can never become extinct. 6. The environment had something to do with why organisms changed.

11 7. Parents are able to pass on at least some of their traits to their offspring. 8. Parents are only able to pass on traits that they were born with. 9. Organisms could decide to change something about their body and pass on that change to their offspring. 10. Organisms are still changing.

12 A B C D

13 A C B D

14  Lamarck (red cards) 1 st C 2 nd D 3 rd A 4 th B  Darwin (green cards) 1 st A 2 nd C 3 rd B 4 th D



17  Compared species and fossils he found along the islands with the species along the main coastline Found similarities between the animals and plants that had no relation to the species he previously studied in Europe but more resemblance to South American organisms Species found diversified and descended from the species off the mainland

18  Galápagos= saddle back Each island has a distinct tortoise that has made a home there

19  Variation is very evident when visiting island after island


21  At first Darwin thought he found different birds  But then recognized that they were subspecies that adapted to their food source, survived, reproduced and passed their adaptations on  Natural selection/Survival of the fittest


23  Was hesitant to publish book  Origin of Species Famous book after he took his trip to the Galápagos Never used the world evolution but only “descent with modification” due to the different environments organisms lived in


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