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What is VCA? Functional morphology is the discipline that ties form and function together. Vertebra example… Kardong uses ______- and ______-_____ tails.

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Presentation on theme: "What is VCA? Functional morphology is the discipline that ties form and function together. Vertebra example… Kardong uses ______- and ______-_____ tails."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is VCA? Functional morphology is the discipline that ties form and function together. Vertebra example… Kardong uses ______- and ______-_____ tails as examples

2 Why do we care? Communication
Preparation for detailed physiological studies Determining characters -- Understanding ______________ (evolutionary morphology) “The external environment in which an animal design must serve certainly brings to bear evolutionary pressure on its survival” Kardong

3 Historical Context People Concepts Greeks (Anaximander) “Scala natura”
Darwin/Wallace Linnaeus De Lamarck Malthus Cuvier Owen Concepts “Scala natura” “Lower vs. higher” or “Derived vs. primitive” “Immutable species” “Ex nihlio” “Archetypes”

4 Morphology Homology Analogy Homoplasy Ancestry Appearance Function

5 Convergence How do we explain non-related species converging on the same “plan”?

6 “A great deal of what we need to understand about ourselves comes from the world around us, not just the DNA within.” Kardong

7 The Vertebrate Body Plan
How are vertebrates arranged spatially that differs from urochordates (adult tunicates), sea stars and sponges?

8 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Symmetry: Let’s take a pop-quiz…




12 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Symmetry: *_________________________ (along 3 axes) ________ (anteroposterior) ________ (dorsoventral) ________ *2 axes define a plane *Other spatial terms…

13 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Vertebrate phylogeny: *Vertebrates are a subtaxa of the phylum ________ *The “Big 4” are characteristics shared by this phylum. *Not all chordates are created equal… Let’s review the taxonomy of the dueterostomes in the kingdom Animalia What are the 4 characteristics?

14 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Vertebrate phylogeny: *Craniate Characteristics *Vertebrate Characteristics

15 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Regional differentiation: * (What specialized structures occur here? ) __________; lining is… Thorax and abdomen (in some taxa) * (caudal) (What structures likely absent? What’s present? )

16 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Notochord *During some stage of development (ontogeny) Usually replaced by…

17 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Pharynx/ (pharyngeal pouches and slits) *________ portion of gut *Embryo or adults… internal gills (Which vertebrates rely on gills, which use lungs? ) *Some animals (______________) use gill and slits for feeding Nature Genetics  27, (2001) doi: /85845 DiGeorge syndrome phenotype in mice mutant for the T-box gene, Tbx1 Loydie A. Jerome & Virginia E. Papaioannou

18 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Pharynx/ (pharyngeal pouches and slits) *

19 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Dorsal nervous system *__________, ________________, fluid filled cavity *Sense organs develop in the head region (_______________)

20 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Other Craniate characteristics *Integument (skin) comprised of two layers: ____________ From these a number of specialized structures are derived:

21 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Other Craniate characteristics *Complete ____________ system *__________ to excrete wastes, maintain H2O balance and form hormones *Reproductive organs _____________ *Circulation * Differing cardiac anatomy Lymphatics

22 The Vertebrate Body Plan
Other Craniate characteristics *________________ (meta-merism) More common with invertebrates… vertebrates display this feature primarily in skeletal, muscular and nervous systems *________________ Axial/Cranial Appendicular from 2 girdles Skeletal Cardiac Smooth (Which of these synapse with motor neurons? )

23 Preadaptations What is an adaptation? What is a preadaptation? Explain the concept of remodeling in the context of evolution

24 Evolutionary morphology
Bean stalks and Bushes Grades and clades

25 Evolutionary morphology
Abundance phylogeny Cladistics

26 Paleontology Formation of fossils Recovery & restoration Fossil dating
Stratigraphy Index fossils Radiometric Geological ages

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