Learning Style Inventory Means Means Fall 2009 PREVIOUS Visual 31.9N/A Fall 2009 PREVIOUS Visual 31.9N/A Auditory 25.0N/A Auditory 25.0N/A Tactile 23.6N/A.

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1 Learning Style Inventory Means Means Fall 2009 PREVIOUS Visual 31.9N/A Fall 2009 PREVIOUS Visual 31.9N/A Auditory 25.0N/A Auditory 25.0N/A Tactile 23.6N/A Tactile 23.6 N/A

2 Ethical Standards Poll

3 Facilitating Ethical Behavior Leading by Example Codes of Ethics Ethical Structures

4 Principle-based Codes l Designed to: Enable the employee to make ethical decisions based on appropriate values (e.g., The Golden Rule)

5 Policy-based Codes l Outline how to act in specific ethical situations (reducing the need for thinking or shared values): * Conflicts of interest * Proprietary information * Political gifts * Equal opportunities. ASA

6 Ethical Structures l Ethics officer is the corporate conscience or expert l Ethics committee = group appointed to monitor company’s practice of ethics l Ethics training programs l Hot lines - employees can report questionable behavior, possible fraud, waste, or abuse (i.e., Blow the Whistle”).

7 Company Examples l Arthur Andersen »Began to emphasize financial consulting »Dominant value changed from “think straight, talk straight” to “keep clients happy” l Mitsubishi (U.S.) »Denied sexual harassment charges »Delays in admitting probably led to greater penalties l Waste Management Inc. »Accounting Fraud »New CEO corrected, used newsletters, hot line l Lockheed Martin »Gives employees awards for outstanding ethics

8 Effects of Advanced Technology l Increases speed of communication l May improve quantity and quality of production l May improve decision-making, coordination l May be used to Empower or to Control l Changes how jobs are done l Changes social relationships at work l Helps make downsizing feasible

9 Individual Differences: Personality, Mental Functioning, Emotional Intelligence, Perception, Attitudes, and Values

10 Personality l Nature of Personality »Internal State »Uniqueness »Consistency »Stability

11 Personality Theories l Developmental Stage (Psychodynamic) »(Freud, etc.) l Trait-Based (“Big Five”, etc.) »e.g., Neurotic, Extraversion, Authoritarian (Eysenck) l Motive-Based »e.g., Achievement, Affiliation, Power (McClelland) l Belief-Based »e.g., Internal vs. External Locus of Control (Rotter)

12 Personality Theory: The Big Five Traits: uExtraversion (vs. Introversion) u Sociable, friendly. uEmotional Stability (vs. Neuroticism) u Neurotics are often anxious for no apparent reason and feel angry with others and themselves. uAgreeableness u Likable, care about others. uConscientiousness u Careful, persevering. uOpenness to Experience u Flexible, with broad interests.

13 The Big Five & Performance l Conscientiousness and Emotional Stability »Strongest personality predictors of performance l Extroversion »Linked to sales and management performance l Agreeableness »Better performance in jobs requiring cooperation and helpfulness l Openness to experience »Linked to higher creativity and adaptability to change

14 Other Characteristics » Risk taking and thrill seeking » Self-Monitoring: Tendency to manage impressions others have of you. » Self-Esteem: Degree to which people feel good about themselves. » Self-Efficacy: A person’s belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task.

15 Locus of Control l People who believe that they are in control of their own lives are said to have an Internal locus of control. l People who think that forces beyond their control dictate what happens to them are said to have an External locus of control.

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