Installation and Configuration of A-REX Iván Márton (NIIFI) Zsombor Nagy (NIIFI)

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Presentation on theme: "Installation and Configuration of A-REX Iván Márton (NIIFI) Zsombor Nagy (NIIFI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Installation and Configuration of A-REX Iván Márton (NIIFI) Zsombor Nagy (NIIFI)

2 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 2 Components to be installed GridFTPd Grid Manager / A-REX ARIS

3 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 3 GridFTPd Receives job description document and proxy-certificate Validates proxy-certificate Accepts the job

4 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 4 Grid Manager / A-REX Goes through accepted jobs, starts downloaders for requested files Caches files and manages the cache Executes plugins Transforms job description to LRMS-specific shell-scripts Submits job to LRMS (SGE, PBS/Torque, SLURM, LoadLeveler, LSF, Condor) Regularly polls LRMS to see if jobs has completed Finishes jobs, starts uploaders for output-files Writes information for URLogger that reports to SGAS Can provide WS interface to submit and manage jobs and handle related data

5 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 5 ARIS (Arc Resource Information Service) ARIS is the local information system it contains information about cluster, queues, jobs (started by the ‘grid-infosys’ init script)

6 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 6 Tutorial environment OS: SL5 (EMI supported) Other supported platforms: – Fedora / Redhat – Debian / Ubuntu – Solaris – Mac OS X – Gentoo – etc.

7 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 7 Discover your disc! Installed software: /usr/ Configuration files: e.g. /etc/ Log files: e.g. /var/log/arc/ The location of additional files is configurable: e.g. /var/spool/arc – session directory stores working directories – control directory job metadata (states, etc.)

8 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 8 Clients for testing arcproxy – creating and managing proxy certificates arcsub – communicate with infosys – do brokering – move input files – submit jobs to cluster arcstat – query cluster for job status arccat – print standard output and error of job arcget – get results of a job and clean from cluster

9 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 13/04/2011 EMI Tutorial for Resource Administrators 9 Ready… steady… go! Password: NA59::gf8 Survey:

10 EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Thank you!

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