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World History Chapter 4 Greece & the Hellenistic Age Key Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "World History Chapter 4 Greece & the Hellenistic Age Key Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Chapter 4 Greece & the Hellenistic Age Key Terms

2 Agora:

3 Agora:an open air market place

4 acropolis

5 Acropolis: fortified gathering place at the top of a hill

6 polis

7 Polis: a city and the surrounding countryside

8 hoplites

9 Hoplites: heavily armed Greek infantrymen

10 phalanx

11 Phalanx: rectangular battle formation of hoplites standing shoulder to should with overlapping shields & long spears

12 democracy

13 Democracy: rule by the people

14 oligarchy

15 Oligarchy: rule by a few

16 helots

17 Helots: captured people, slaves to the Spartans

18 ephors

19 Ephors: people elected in Sparta to educate the youth & oversee the conduct of citizens

20 ostracism

21 Ostracism: the process for temporarily banning ambitious politicians from the city by a popular vote

22 Age of Pericles

23 Age of Pericles: the height of Ahtenian power & brilliance

24 An organized system of thought

25 An organized system of thought: Philosophy

26 Form of drama that portrays a conflict between the protagonist & a superior force, & where the protagonist is brought to extreme ruin: TRAGEDY

27 Form of drama that portrays a conflict between the protagonist & a superior force, & where the protagonist is brought to extreme ruin

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