+ How to improve our training curriculum Katrín Kristjánsdóttir Ómar Sigurvin.

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Presentation on theme: "+ How to improve our training curriculum Katrín Kristjánsdóttir Ómar Sigurvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 + How to improve our training curriculum Katrín Kristjánsdóttir Ómar Sigurvin

2 + Overview Training environment Training requirements Resident Survey - How are we doing? How can we improve?

3 + Landspítali University Hospital, Kvennadeild: Department of Obstetrics and gynecology Referral center for all Iceland: Approx. 3500 deliveries/year; 70% of all deliveries, nearly all the preterm. 25 bed gynecological unit. Referral of all gynecological cancers. University hospitals of a similar size in Nordic countries: Odense, Lund, Trondheim, Turku

4 + Icelandic requirements for specialist training in Obstetrics and gynecology Four years of Obstetrics and Gynecology One year of General Surgery No mention of training abroad Landspitali University Hospital´s department of Obstetrics and Gynecology ( 3500 del./year) offers 2-3 year training posts Almost all go abroad for further training RCOG accreditates 2 years of training at Landspitali

5 + Resident survey - How are we doing? Sent to 32 ob&gyn residents currently or recently in the Icelandic program Nine compound questions Answers 25 = 78%

6 + How well could you attend scheduled teaching?

7 + Compared to other specialities, scheduled teaching is...

8 + Specialist’s interests in teaching

9 + I’ve done the following number of operations

10 +

11 Strengths?

12 Weaknesses?

13 + How to improve our training curriculum Identify education Clinical Academic Protect education time 2 year curriculum Morbidity and Mortality Supervision Evaluation- feedback


15 +

16 +

17 + Educational opportunities Academic education Lectures, conferences, journal clubs etc. Simulation training Clinical education Clinical work Obstetric and Gyn cases

18 Protected educational time!

19 + 2 year curriculum Our program has resident trainees that stay with us for 2 years Identify educational objectives Create an educational curriculum that rotates biannually


21 Morbidity and Mortality

22 Supervision

23 Evaluation and Feedback

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