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MATARIKI What is Matariki? Read ‘Matariki’ by Melanie Drewery.

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Presentation on theme: "MATARIKI What is Matariki? Read ‘Matariki’ by Melanie Drewery."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATARIKI What is Matariki? Read ‘Matariki’ by Melanie Drewery

2 Some Youtube clips 8IbPSg 8IbPSg Matariki Myth HCwepE HCwepE Te Karanga (Waiata) 3owV43k 3owV43k Music with starry nights

3 Matariki is... The Maori New Year Matariki is the maori name for a group of stars known as The Seven Sisters. Matariki has two meanings; ◦ A constellation of stars (Mata Riki, or Tiny Eyes), and Mata Ariki (Eyes of God)

4 When is the Maori New Year? At the sighting of the next new moon during June 2013 – 10 June Matariki lasts for up to three days after the new moon has risen, after the stars are seen.

5 Matariki is important because... It was thought that if Matariki could be seen, and the stars were bright, then this would mean a productive crop would grow in the coming months.

6 Matariki is important because... Matariki was also a special time for family to gather and reflect on the past and talk about the future.

7 Matariki is important because: ◦ Maori used the stars of the night sky to:  Know when to plant crops  Show the way (navigation)  Tell stories

8 Why do we still celebrate Matariki? It is a symbol to help us celebrate the unique and special place in which we live. It reminds us that we must respect the land we live on. It is an important family time. ◦ Hunting and fishing ◦ (who can catch the biggest fish?) ◦ Performing haka and waiata ◦ Weaving ◦ Family sports and fun days ◦ Food and eating together - hangi

9 How is Matariki celebrated? Planting new trees and crops that signal new beginnings and new life

10 How is Matariki celebrated? Paying respect to the land-based gods Rongo, Uenuku and Whiro, to ensure good crops for the coming year

11 To remember whakapapa (ancestors), and to be thankful for their teaching and what they have left behind

12 Some ways of celebrating:

13 Fishing

14 Food – Making a Hangi

15 Through the Arts Maori used the stars to record history, knowledge, culture and ancient practices.

16 Conservation What do you think ‘conservation’ means? ◦ Land is important to Maori.  Why do you think this is? ◦ Important for everyone to learn about the trees, crops and environment around them. ◦ This is a very important part of Matariki Celebrations!

17 Making plans for the future and forgiving and forgetting problems

18 What could some problems have been? Think, pair, share What could people change about themselves/their lifestyle to be better than before? Think, pair, share

19 What are some ways that you think we can improve our lifestyles to be more healthy? At home? At school?

20 Complete worksheets: Matariki – ways of celebrating Matariki – plans to be healthier

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