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H ARCOURT L ESSON 23 Day 2. R EAD ALOUD “Bumblebees” page 41 Big Book of Poems Listen for enjoyment You can chime in when you are ready! Raise your voice.

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Presentation on theme: "H ARCOURT L ESSON 23 Day 2. R EAD ALOUD “Bumblebees” page 41 Big Book of Poems Listen for enjoyment You can chime in when you are ready! Raise your voice."— Presentation transcript:


2 R EAD ALOUD “Bumblebees” page 41 Big Book of Poems Listen for enjoyment You can chime in when you are ready! Raise your voice when you read words with capital letters Why is the poem fun to read and listen to?

3 H IGH -F REQUENCY W ORDS cook tough young worry board woman impossible ago

4 W ORD B UILDING suit What do I change to make the word… fruit Which letters do I change to make the word…. food Which letters do I change to make the word…. smooth Which letters do I change to make the word…. stew Which letters do I change to make the word…. soup

5 S PELLING WORDS IN CONTEXT 1. Last year my dad grew tomatoes. 2. The group found seats on the train. 3. Maria ate fruit after lunch. 4. Paul solved the clue.

6 V OCABULARY Definitions- 1. pattern – When you see a design in something, you are seeing a pattern. 2. sealed – If you sealed something, you closed in up tightly. 3. carefully – When you do something carefully, you pay close attention to what you are doing so that you don’t make a mistake. What colors would you paint in a stripped pattern? What would you do to open a sealed treasure chest? Explain. Why would someone work carefully to sew on a button?

7 V OCABULARY 1. attack – If you attack something, you use great force to try to cause it harm. 2. crowd – When people or animals gather in large numbers, they crowd together. 3. disappear – When something disappears, you can’t see it anymore. Which would be more likely to attack: a tiger or a rabbit? Why? Do you like it when children crowd you in line? Why or why not? Imagine your favorite toys disappear. How would you feel?

8 D EVELOP D EEPER M EANING – S TUDENT E DITION PAGES 242 - 243 Page 242 Why would someone make a pattern on toast? What can be sealed in a jar? Why do beekeepers raise their bees carefully ? page 243 What are some reasons bees might attack ? Imagine that bees crowd around you. How would you feel? If bees disappear, what do they do?

9 R EADING Look at page 244 Genre Information Comprehension Strategy

10 S UMMARIZE Good readers use strategies such as summarizing to help them remember what they read. When I read nonfiction, I look for the main ideas to include when I summarize. For “Brilliant Bees,” I could write: There are thousands of honeybees in one hive and each one has a specific job to do.


12 H ERE ’ S SOME NEW VOCABULARY WORDS THAT WERE IN OUR TEXT : Role The role of the worker bees is to look after the hive. role – If you have a role, there are certain things you have to do. What’s the word? My role in the classroom is to teach. What is the role of a firefighter – to drive a bus or to put out fires? A firefighter’s role is to _________________.

13 DILIGENT The worker bees are diligent about cleaning the cells. diligent – If you are diligent, you keep working until you’re done. What’s the word? I am diligent when I grade tests. If you are diligent at practicing a musical instrument, would you be more likely to perform well or perform poorly during a recital?

14 VOCABULARY Imagine that you are a doctor. What would your role be? Imagine that you have to take care of a garden. Would you be diligent about weeding? Why or why not?

15 G RAMMAR Daily proofreading: gary saw a gren frog

16 R EVIEW P AST - TENSE VERBS rush ed This morning I rushed to the bus stop. add talk laugh walk start

17 P RACTICE /A PPLY Lori ______________ in the pond. (fish) Her dad _______________ the boat. (row) A frog _______________ in the water. (jump) A dragonfly ______________ on a lily pad. (land)

18 W RITING – P REWRITING STAGE Main Idea Kittens are active Detail kittens jump Detail kittens pounce Detail kittens chase

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