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Internet and Intranet Fundamentals Class 3 Session B.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet and Intranet Fundamentals Class 3 Session B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet and Intranet Fundamentals Class 3 Session B

2 Topics Regulation Documentation –RFCs and STD Organizations –ISOC (IAB, IESG) –IETF –W3C –InterNic IAB Standards Process

3 Documentation RFCs RFC = Request for Comments –series of notes –ARPANET 1969 –anyone can write an RFC –two paths as Internet Draft through IETF through RFC Editor –

4 Documentation RFCs RFC 2223 –Instructions for Authors – Internet Standards –some RFCs are also standards (STD) RFC-1280 is also STD-1

5 Documentation RFCs Some Important RFCs –SMTP: RFC-821 –FTP: RFC-959 –TCP: RFC-793 –UDP: RFC-768 –DNS: RFC-1034 –HTTP: RFC-2068

6 Organizations ISOC = Internet Society –"To assure the beneficial, open evolution of the global Internet and its related internetworking technologies through leadership in standards, issues, and education.” –took over steering and funding function for IETF after government exited –organizational home for IETF, IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group) and IAB (Internet Architecture Board)

7 Organizational Hierarchy ISOC IESG IETF IAB Working Group Areas

8 Organizations IETF IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force –technical worker bees Applications Area General Area Internet Area Operations and Management Area Routing Area Security Area Transport Area User Services Area

9 Organizations W3C W3C = World Wide Web Consortium Tim Berners-Lee –inventor of WWW Current work: redesign html definitions as an xml language –Make it self extensible markup language.

10 IAB Standards Process Informational Experimental Proposed Standard Draft Standard Internet Standard

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