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Tea Cafe Strategic Marketing : Perceptual Mapping by Using Ching Shin as Example 郭逸欣 陳羿君 楊詩驊 陳儀娟.

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Presentation on theme: "Tea Cafe Strategic Marketing : Perceptual Mapping by Using Ching Shin as Example 郭逸欣 陳羿君 楊詩驊 陳儀娟."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tea Cafe Strategic Marketing : Perceptual Mapping by Using Ching Shin as Example 郭逸欣 陳羿君 楊詩驊 陳儀娟

2 Agenda Abstract Introduction Literature Review Methodology Result

3 Abstract This study is an application of perceptual mapping. We take Ching Shin as an example to examine this firm’s competitive position among the tea cafe market around NCKU. For completing the perceptual map, we take price and uniqueness as two coordinate axis of customers perception. The result of the study is based on the questionnaire both online and offline. Furthermore, we give their managerial implications for Ching Shin according to their study result.

4 Introduction Motivation-The tea cafe market is competitive around the NCKU, and new comers continue to enter this battle. To the already existed tea cafes, what should they do? Purpose-Using perceptual map to help Ching Shin to find benchmark competitors and establish marketing strategies.

5 Literature Review  Building online brand perceptual map  CyberPsychology & Behavior; Oct2008, Vol. 11 Issue 5, p607-610, 4p, 3 Charts, 1 Graph Purpose Correspondence analysis Result

6 Building online brand perceptual map PP urpose A ttempted to propose branding strategies by mapping consumers’ brand perceptions. U sing perceptual map to help Ching Shin to find benchmark competitors and establish marketing strategies.

7 Literature Review The Data Methodology Results Marketing Strategy Implications  Service Analysis: A Bank Marketing Example Using Perceptual Mapping  Advances in Consumer Research; 1975, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p525, 9p

8 Service Analysis: A Bank Marketing Example Using Perceptual Mapping MM arketing Strategy Implications D iscuss how service re-positioning, market segmentation, and service surveillance may be considered in light of the findings. U sing perceptual map to help Ching Shin to find benchmark competitors and establish marketing strategies.

9  Summary Perceptual mapping is a useful tool for analyzing management of services. However, it is a technique that is not without its limitations. Perceptual mapping may indicate where effort should be concentrated or reduced.

10 Methodology 50 嵐、波哥、茶的魔手、清心、 tea’s 原味、櫻桃果子、紅太陽

11 Methodology

12 Data analysis 權重 票數 總分

13 Data analysis 50 嵐波哥茶的魔手清心 tea's 原味櫻桃果子紅太陽 價格 1171188290808478 獨特性 口味 1101067383769673 品項 1071157380728773 購買決心 95886273618561 獨特性 312309208236209268207 12 35 46 7 2 1 46 35 7

14 Data analysis priceuniqueness 50 嵐 1179.77531210 波哥 118103099.74286 茶的魔手 821.92081.08571 清心 903.72363.48571 tea's 原味 801.452091.17143 櫻桃果子 842.352686.22857 紅太陽 7812071

15 Data analysis

16 Results Analysis  On the lower left corner of the map.  Devaluation.  Space of improving for Ching Shin.  Upper right corner.  Cherries Tea House.

17 Results Implication  Taste: Enhance the promotion of popular drink that already exist.  Item: Recreate the packaging of the special product.  Determination of purchase: Offer discount or trial on special event to attract new and win-back customer.

18 Reference  Chiang, I-Ping, Lin, Chih-Ying, Wang, Kaisheng M. Building Online Brand Perceptual Map. CyberPsychology & Behavior; Oct2008, Vol. 11 Issue 5, p607-610, 4p, 3 Charts, 1 Graph  Gillette, William, Evans, Richard H. SERVICE ANALYSIS: A BANK MARKETING EXAMPLE USING PERCEPTUAL MAPPING. Advances in Consumer Research; 1975, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p525, 9p  温宗諭 (2010) ,運用多元尺度分析台灣茶飲料加盟連鎖店的品 牌知覺,國立彰化師範大學國際企業經營管理所研究生

19 Thank you for listening.

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