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Glacial Processes. Snow metamorphosis Snow  Firm  Glacial Ice ~80 years in alpine glacier Denser.

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Presentation on theme: "Glacial Processes. Snow metamorphosis Snow  Firm  Glacial Ice ~80 years in alpine glacier Denser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glacial Processes

2 Snow metamorphosis Snow  Firm  Glacial Ice ~80 years in alpine glacier Denser

3 Glaciers grow and their snout moves when accumulation is greater than ablation – animated GIF that should play for your computer (but don’t worry if it does not)

4 Snowline – elevation above which snow persists year round

5 Snowline

6 Types of Glaciers: Ice Cap

7 Greenland from space

8 Small Ice Caps occur outside Greenland and Antarctica

9 Types of Glaciers: Piedmont Piedmont Glacier

10 Types of Glaciers: Alpine

11 Larsen Ice Shelf Collapse calving (icebergs) Loss of glacial ice



14 Ablation by melting


16 How do glaciers move? One way: the flow internally (internal deformation) mm per day

17 Another way is Regelation Slip (freeze-stick, melt flow) at the base of the glacier centimeters per day

18 3rd: bed deformation (water & sediment act like ball bearings reducing friction) at the base of the glacier – resulting sudden surge Meters per day


20 Movement can crack glaciers creating crevasses

21 Crevasses can form by compression or extension

22 The top crevasse separating snow from moving ice is the bergshrund






28 Glaciers and Our Diet


30 Position of snout (belly) reflects balance of accumulation and ablation


32 Is this accumulation or ablation zone?

33 Accumulation Zone Ablation Zone


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