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Change Dynamics NCC Resources. Elements of Change Management identifying the desired change identify obstacles prepare people for change acknowledge positive/neg.

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Presentation on theme: "Change Dynamics NCC Resources. Elements of Change Management identifying the desired change identify obstacles prepare people for change acknowledge positive/neg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change Dynamics NCC Resources

2 Elements of Change Management identifying the desired change identify obstacles prepare people for change acknowledge positive/neg impacts compensate for blind spots motivate toward vision

3 Everyone reacts differently. Spectrum… ▫Stable............................ Change Responses include ▫Dissatisfaction ▫Stress ▫Negative attitude toward other end of spectrum ▫Intense emotions ▫Loss of rational judgment

4 5 Principles of Change Management People react differently to change. Fundamental needs must be met. Change involves loss and a loss recovery curve. Expectations must be managed realistically. Fears must be addressed.

5 Fundamental Needs Must be Met. Control ▫Opportunity to influence environment, choose. Inclusion ▫Opportunity to be part of decision in some way. Openness ▫Opportunity to be in loop on information sharing. Security ▫Safety, no significant personal/communal harm. Significance ▫Meaning, purpose in life or organization.

6 Change Involves Loss SARAH ▫S-hook ▫A-nger ▫R-ejection ▫A-cceptance ▫H-ealing Curve similar to grieving

7 Expectations Must Be Managed When expectations are not met, very unhappy. When expectations exceeded, very happy. Many changes are the result of unmet expectations or necessarily lead to them. Do NOT promise more than can be delivered, focus on understatement.

8 Fears Must Be Addressed Change that leads to perceived loss generally leads to less rational thought. Tendency exists to fear the worse. ▫(Loss of job means I’ll never work again, Church closing means kingdom has ended, New staff means no one will ever meet my needs again, Loss of position means I am rejected and of no value….) Where possible, provide emotional support and point to rationally conceivable points of hope.

9 Tips in change management Give information, but generally understand expectations. Large groups: Develop strategy that ensures comprehensive communications – everyone at the same time as much as possible, and make individual contact to respect different reactions. Give choices and be honest about consequences (to meet control and inclusion needs). Give people time to process, and support people through loss curve.

10 Tips in change management Large scale change requires project management. When people face loss, identify what might replace that loss, which can help minimize fear. When possible, allow people to express their concerns and receive constructive reassurance, again to help assuage fears. Continually make time for informal discussion and feedback opportunities – management 101 – even if it is difficult.

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