Enjoy some breakfast grab some handouts and introduce yourself to your neighbor.

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Presentation on theme: "Enjoy some breakfast grab some handouts and introduce yourself to your neighbor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enjoy some breakfast grab some handouts and introduce yourself to your neighbor.

2 A Riddle or Three?? Drop your answers into the blue bucket to win a prize! Yippee! #1 Riddle me re, They grow on a tree, Are smooth, red and shiny, Not large but quite tiny. Their hears are of stone When they are full grown. #2 Who is he that runs without a leg With his house on his back? #3 What has teeth And can’t bite?

3 What is Title I? Title 1 is a Federally funded program to assist students who need extra help in the areas of Reading and Math. We offer a Targeted Services Program.

4 How are students identified as needing this extra help?  Kindergarten & Grade 1  Emergent Literacy Survey  Math Placement Test (K) and Math Diagnostic Test (Grade 1)  Grade 2  Phonics/Decoding Screening Test  Math Diagnostic Test  Star Reading and Star Math  Grades 3 & 4  Phonics/Decoding Screening Test & IRL  Math Diagnostic Test  STAR Reading and STAR Math  MCAII Scores (grade 4)

5  All students are tested one-on-one  All Grades- Teacher input based on classroom performance.

6 Once my child qualifies to receive Title I help, will they always be in Title I? What is the exit criterion? No, each year every child must qualify. Students must consistently perform at-grade level.

7 Title I Curriculum Soar to Success for Reading Benchmark assessments to assure progress. Great variety in texts Great Leaps Reading (Gr. 3 & 4) Targets phonics, phrased reading, fluency and comprehension Envisions Math Directly supports concepts being taught in the classroom.

8 Ongoing Assessments and Statewide Tests  STAR Reading and STAR Math  Fluency Probes  MCA III’s (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment) in both Reading and Math

9 What is the school/district doing to keep parents informed and involved about their child’s progress?  Title I Report Cards  Classroom Report Cards  MCA Report Cards  Open door policy – you are always welcome to stop by!

10 How can I help my child with their reading and math?  Simple Strategies for creating strong readers  The Five Essential components of reading  Phonemic awareness  Phonics  Reading fluency  Vocabulary development  Reading comprehension strategies  Math games – make it fun!  Web sites

11 10 Ways to Become a Better Reader

12 Purpose of the Stop, Think, Paraphrase (STP)Reading Strategy (1) To show children that there's more to reading than calling words (2) To figure out the meaning of a text with another person. (3) To demonstrate how to stop and think when reading independently.

13 STP After a child reads a page (or a section) silently or aloud, he/she should 1. STOP, cover the text with his/her hand, and 2. THINK about what he/she just read.

14 STP 3. PARAPHRASE - summarize what was just read in his/her own words aloud or silently. If there are pictures, encourage your child to use the picture as they retell. The pictures help your child visualize what was read – a critical process for remembering.

15 STP  This strategy teaches self-monitoring. If a student can’t tell about what they have read, they need to reread that section of the text.

16 STP Tips  If your child has trouble retelling at the bottom of a page, have her stop at the end of each paragraph. If this doesn’t work, select an easier text.

17 STP Tips  When your child is successful using the pictures to retell, try using STP without looking at the pictures. The goal is for readers to create pictures in their heads which help them recall what was read.

18 The “Say Something” Reading Strategy This is a strategy that helps kids understand that reading doesn’t mean to just push your eyes across the words and continue on whether you understand or not.

19 Say Something  One person starts to read aloud a portion of the text to his/her partner. (Parents are great partners.)  The person who is reading aloud, pauses after completing the portion to “Say Something” about what was read.

20 Possible “Say Somethings”  Ask a question  Make a connection (Did that section make you think of another book, something in the news, or something you have done before?)  Share a comment that comes to mind  Summarize what you read in a few sentences  Make a prediction  Ask your partner to clarify (explain) something you didn’t understand

21 Say Something Continued...  The partner responds to the reader’s comment.  The partner reads the next section aloud and then “Says Something”.  Keep repeating.

22 Providing Support, not Creating Dependency  This gives students, who are dependent on an adult to help with every unfamiliar word, the encouragement to keep reading to figure things out for themselves.

23 Providing Support, not Dependency  Say something like, "Read the page and when you come across a word you can't read, try to figure it out using the pictures and/or the parts of the word. If you can’t get it, skip the word. When you get to the end of the page, you can ask me about the word or what you didn’t understand. Sticky note your place if you think you will forget."


25 Ways to Connect!  PIE  Title I Advisory Committee (looking for volunteers!)  Family Events  Volunteer in your child’s classroom!  Become familiar with the State Standards

26 Questions? ?

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