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BY Taylor, Kristen and Bridget.  Developed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief of State School Officers.

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Presentation on theme: "BY Taylor, Kristen and Bridget.  Developed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief of State School Officers."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY Taylor, Kristen and Bridget

2  Developed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief of State School Officers  Including 48 states who’s purpose is to better pre pair students for after high school weather that be collage or the work force.  The CCSS are written for K-12 mathematics, K-12 English language art, and 6-12 Literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects.

3  No Child Left Behind gives states/ school districts more control/ flexibility to use resources where they need to be used most.  NCLB holds schools/ school districts more accountable for the testing results.  States must test students annually in reading and in math.  Every teacher in core content areas working in a public school has to be “highly qualified.”  Title 1 focuses on improving academic standards for disadvantaged.  The focus on regular testing has made NCLB very controversial

4  Race to the top is a contest worth $4.35 billion.  It is a competition between states to see which schools are meeting performance standards.  It focuses on designing high quality early learning programs.  In Phase 3 of RTTT, Arizona was rewarded $25 million.

5 Pros  Internally bench marked  Higher level thinking  Alignment of standards will allow states to more accurately be compared  Aligned with collage and workforce expectations  Will enhance teacher collaboration and professional development. Cons  Difficult adjustment for teachers and students  Cause many good teachers to pursue other career options  Current text book will be obsolete  Increased value on standardized test performance

6  No Child Left Behind may allow you to transfer your child to another school if the state says that your child’s school needs improvement. (District may pay for transportation)  NCLB may provide your child with free tutoring if your child has needed improvement in the past two years.  NCLB requires schools to find ways to get parents more involved.  Students test scores have improved since NCLB has been used.  About 450,000 students have been able to receive free tutoring.  This testing has helped schools realize which students need extra help.

7 Pros  Improves the quality of teachers and distribution of excellent teachers.  Having standards in place to improve teaching and learning.  Using longitudinal data systems to improve student and teacher performance.  Making sure all students have qualified teachers and improving achievement in low- performing schools.

8 Cons  Keeping track of achievement gains could harm students with small gains who then can be labeled and determined not to be collage material.  Teachers become facilitators  Teachers get rewarded for having better students not for providing better instruction.  Students will not retain and lack discovery, analyzing from material that they memorize for testing.

9  Schools must include all ELL students in testing.  Government has failed numerous times to provide funding for program.  More teachers are starting to teach “by the test.”  Many believe that by teaching to the test, students may fail to receive more than just reading/math.  All students are held to the same achievement standards  The only students not held to same achievement level are those with physical/ mental disabilities.  Fewer resources are provided for art, p.e., social studies, and science

10 

11  Based on what you have learned about No Child Left Behind and Race To The Top, which do you think is the better option? Why? (List three reasons that you learned from today’s presentation).

12  US Department of Education. 3/5/13.  No Child Left Behind. Education Week. 3/5/13.  No Child Left Behind Fact Sheet On Assessment of English Language Learners. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 3/5/13.  Care to Vote ’08: Getting Smart About Getting Smart. CTV 2008. 3/5/13. Cons.html Cons.html  Pros and Cons of the Common Core Standards.3/13/13.  Arizona’s Common Core Standards

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