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The Interview With Patrick Branch Starring Leo Fillmore! From the book: 3 Below.

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Presentation on theme: "The Interview With Patrick Branch Starring Leo Fillmore! From the book: 3 Below."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Interview With Patrick Branch Starring Leo Fillmore! From the book: 3 Below

2 Question 1: How do you keep the Whippet hotel up and running when you are only 11 years old? Well even though I am only eleven years old I am still very capable of running the hotel. But I am not the only one who works here. My best friend Remi the bellboy helps me through lots of things. Captain Rickenbacker and his little friend help me by keeping the place running and making sure that people have a good time. And finally, Merganser D. Whippet, He is the official man who helps me pay the taxes and runs/owns the hotel. But overall, he is a good friend who supports me through tough times in this kooky hotel!

3 Question 2: Can you name a few of your favorite things that you have found below the hotel? I am glad you asked me this question. There are many amazing things just below your feet in the hotel, but I could certainly name a few that absolutely blew my mind! One of the things that I certainly enjoyed was going to the jungle room and meeting Ingrid. The jungle room was filled with monkeys and cool things to play with. My next favorite thing was probably the library. It was filled with many awesome books and you could see the roof when you were on the floor! My most favorite part was probably visiting Dr. Flart and going in his lab. We tested a lot of his inventions like Flart’s fizz (It makes you burp.) And Remi let out the biggest burp in the world!

4 Question 3: What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them? I have faced a whole lot of challenges during my “reign” here at the Whippet hotel but the one challenge that was the most challenging was when Mrs. Sparks moved in. She was planning to run the hotel by buying the hotel from us and possibly destroying the hotel and building a new site of her own. But me and Remi were not going to let that happen. We had to earn a whole lot of money so we could pay the taxes and save the hotel. And guess what, we did it! With a little help from Mr. Whippet we saved the hotel.

5 Question 4: How did you earn the money that helped you save the hotel? Well I can certainly tell you that the thing that got us the money was pretty weird/awkward… So, right when we got the things we needed we decided to look around for a while, and we suddenly found a door that said DON’T OPEN THIS DOOR, SECRET THINGS INSIDE or something like that. So we were like, phht! What could go wrong. So we opened the door and we found the realm of gears, which was filled with gears. Then we walked around and we found a room full of diamonds and we were like, yaaah. So then we got the money we needed and got out of their.

6 Thanks for watching!!!

7 Bye Bye!!!!!

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