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ICT Presentation. Why teach ICT? ICT is essential in enhancing your child’s education It will play an important role in your child’s teenage and adult.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Presentation. Why teach ICT? ICT is essential in enhancing your child’s education It will play an important role in your child’s teenage and adult."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Presentation

2 Why teach ICT? ICT is essential in enhancing your child’s education It will play an important role in your child’s teenage and adult life Many things in life use ICT

3 What do we teach? Program Skills Graphics Word Processing Handling Information Control Modelling Using a C-D ROM Music and Sound Internet Emailing

4 Foundation Stage Control a programmable toy Become aware of technology Develop interest in ICT and other technology Learn simple skills of using equipment Develop an understanding of how technology works Build on ICT skills developed at home Develop use of ICT in the school Engage in opportunities in role play Begin to use the correct language in conversations

5 Key Stage One Pupils will be taught how to: find things out using books, databases, CD-ROMs, videos and TV enter, store and retrieve information use text, tables, images and sound plan and give instructions to make things happen present information in a variety of forms review what they have done Pupils will be taught this through: working with a range of information to investigate the different ways it can be presented exploring a variety of ICT tools talking about the uses of ICT inside and outside school

6 Supporting my child at home using other types of technology in the home word processing researching on the internet using games to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills

7 Communication tools such as email, bulletin boards and chat rooms Collaboration tools such as online forums, intranets, electronic diaries and calendars Tools to create online content and courses Online assessment and marking Integration with school management information systems Controlled access to curriculum resources Student access to content and communications beyond the school Virtual Learning Platforms

8 New Technology Interactive White Boards Laptops and Trolley Wireless Connection

9 Virtual Learning Platforms Early Years User name: lapd2s54 Password: Spring99

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