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By: Mr. Mora. Human Geography of Northwestern Europe.

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1 By: Mr. Mora

2 Human Geography of Northwestern Europe

3 Human Geography of NW Europe NW Europe shaped by thousands of years of migrations and invasions. Influenced heavily by Christianity, which began with arrival of the Romans. Collapse of Roman empire during A.D. 400s left sub region vulnerable to invading Germanic Tribes. Starting in A.D. 1000s, armies form NW Europe fought the crusades…series of religious wars against Islamic states to regain control of Jerusalem, the holy land.

4 Human Geography of NW Europe Renaissance - In late 1400s, educated Europeans developed interest in ancient Greece and…inspired major changes in art, politics, culture, and religion. Protestant Reformation (1500s)- Martin Luther launched this movement through his protest against Catholic Church. Enlightenment - 1700s movt that questioned tradition and sparked desire for greater participation in the government…belief in the idea of progress/ improvement within governments.

5 Human Geography of NW Europe Industrial Revolution (mid 1700s) - transformed manufacturing in Europe with change from human labor to machines…Great Britain led the way and spread to rest of Europe and United States. Industrial capitalism. Economic system in which business leaders use profits to expand their companies…downside was that many factory workers were poorly paid and lived in crowded and unsanitary conditions…led to Communism. The Euro – Currency of the The European Union. European Union consists of 27 member countries, and only 17 of them adopted the Euro as their currency.

6 Human Geography of NW Europe Cold War - Post WWII power struggle between the communist world (led by Soviet Union) and non- communist world (led by United States). Immigration - Countries such as France, attracts immigrants from its former colonies, Algeria, and Morocco, for example. Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain Population Densities – most of NW Europe is densely populated. Temperate climates, fertile soil, manufacturing, and trade have historically supported large populations.

7 Human Geography of NW Europe The Netherlands, Belgium, and the United Kingdom have the highest population densities, in NW Europe Religion – Christianity is the primary religion of NW Europe, consisting mainly of Roman Catholics and members of various Protestant sects. More than 70% of workers in NW Europe are employed in service industries (tertiary activity); among top industries are international banking and insurance. Tourism is also another large industry. Southern France known for growing olives, citrus fruits, and grapes (i.e. wine production)

8 Activity #1 Discuss with your group the two most important contributions of Northwestern Europe to the United States. Be sure to write them down and be prepared to share with the class.

9 People & Their Environment: Northwestern Europe

10 People & Their Environment Industrial/Human Waste - NW Europe produces much waste due to its highly developed and industrialized economy. France and other countries that border the Mediterranean sea use the sea for waste disposal. Overfishing - a problem in NW Europe, where 75% of stocks are overfished and catches are only a fraction of what they were 15 to 20 years ago. Fragmentation - due to roads and railways prevents wildlife migrations and reduces the development of healthy ecosystems…Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have highest levels of fragmentation in NW Europe.

11 People & Their Environment Degradation of Marine and coastal ecosystems is occurring in NW Europe…this trend is intensified due to overfishing, agriculture, pollution, tourism, industrial chemicals, and coastal development. Air Pollution - Manufacturing industries and the heavy use of vehicles are the two greatest sources of air pollution in NW Europe. Acid Rain - In 1970 and 1980s, industries in NW Europe built taller smokestacks to carry off pollution..had negative effect of drifting into national borders and mixing with clouds and falling as Acid Rain, which causes acid deposition (i.e. wet or dry airborne acids that fall to the ground). Kyoto Protocol – an amendment to the international treaty on climate change designed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by specific countries.

12 People & Their Environment EU Water Framework Directive – By end of 2015, several rivers in Europe will be required to have major restoration to meet new regulations. Addressing the issues caused by acid rain - By protecting buildings and statures with acid-resistant coatings. Bans on older vehicles that produce higher emission in the city and surrounding suburbs. Power plants burn natural gas instead of lignite coal, developing alternative fuel sources such as, solar and wind power…also by imposing strict environmental protection laws. Primary mission of Green Peace, Oceana, and Seas at Risk is to: protect, restore, and improve the marine and coastal ecosystems. Video on Protecting Europe’s Environment:

13 Activity #2 Writing Activity. Imagine that you live in a polluted area of Northwestern Europe. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper examining the social impacts of advances in technology on natural resources in the region. (This can be a homework assignment).

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