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Jet Physics at CDF Sally Seidel University of New Mexico APS’99 24 March 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "Jet Physics at CDF Sally Seidel University of New Mexico APS’99 24 March 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jet Physics at CDF Sally Seidel University of New Mexico APS’99 24 March 1999

2 1. Jets at CDF 2. The Inclusive Jet Cross Section 3. The Dijet Mass Cross Section 4. The Differential Dijet Cross Section

3 CDF: A multi-purpose detector for studying hadronic collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron:

4 The motivation: Jet distributions at colliders can: signal new particles test QCD predictions check parton distribution functions

5 The data: CDF reconstructs jets using an iterative cone algorithm with cone radius Jet energies are corrected for calorimeter non-linearity uninstrumented regions contributions from spectator partons

6 The iterative cone algorithm: Examine all calorimeter towers with E T > 1 GeV. Form preclusters from continuous groups of towers with monotonically decreasing E T. If a tower is outside a window of 7 x 7 towers from the seed of its cluster, start a new precluster with it. For each precluster, find the E T -weighted centroid with R = 0.7. Define the centroid to be the new cluster axis. Save all towers with E T > 100 MeV within R = 0.7 about the new axis. Iterate until the tower list is stable.

7 The Inclusive Jet Cross Section For jet transverse energies in the range 40 < E T < 440 GeV: this probes distances down to 10 -17 cm. The analysis: –For luminosity (88.8 ± 4.1) pb -1 –Trigger on jet-like events: accept 4 triggers with uncorrected E T thresholds at 20, 50, 70, and 100 GeV; correct for pre-scaling

8 C –Apply data quality requirements:  z vertex  < 60 cm to maintain projective geometry of calorimeter towers 0.1 < |  detector | < 0.7 for full containment of energy in central barrel E total < 1800 GeV to reject accelerator loss events Define E T = E  sin  and = missing E T. Require to reject cosmic rays –Correct (“unsmear”) observed E T for energy degradation and calorimeter resolution

9 Calculate the cross section: where N = number of events L = luminosity  range is 1.2 and  E T bins have width 5 - 80 GeV Compare to EKS (Ellis, Kunszt, Soper) NLO calculation with CTEQ4M pdf and renormalization/factorization scale  = E T jet /2





14 Systematic uncertainties (all uncorrelated) on the inclusive jet cross section: i. Calorimeter response to high-p T charged hadrons ii. Calorimeter response to low-p T charged hadrons iii. Energy scale stability (1%) iv. Jet fragmentation model used in the simulation v. Energy of the underlying event in the jet cone (30%) vi. Calorimeter response to electrons + photons vii. Modelling of the jet energy resolution function viii. Luminosity (4.1%)


16 The Dijet Mass Cross Section Many classes of new particles have a larger branching fraction to just 2 partons than to modes containing a lepton or a W/Z…so this can be a powerful way to search for new particles. The analysis: For luminosity (85.9 ± 4.1) pb -1 Trigger on jet-like events Select events with  2 jets, both with |  event | < 2.

17 Define  *  (  1 -  2 )/2, then require   e 2|  *| < 5. This is the same as |cos  *| = |tanh  *| < 2/3 where  * is the Rutherford scattering angle: Apply the data quality cuts. Correct for trigger efficiency, |z vertex | cut efficiency, resolution, and calorimeter effects.

18 Define the dijet mass: Calculate the cross section: where: N = number of events, corrected for prescaling L = luminosity  M jj = 10% mass bins (consistent with detector resolution) Compare to JETRAD (Giele, Glover, Kosower) NLO calculation with CTEQ4M +  = E T max /2. Two partons are merged if they are within R sep = 1.3  R.

19 The dijet mass cross section compared to JETRAD with CTEQ4M:

20 Compare results to data + JETRAD with other pdf’s: Changing  from 0.5 E T max to 0.25 E T max changes the normalization by 25%.





25 Compare CDF and D0 results for CTEQ4M (D0 examines |  | < 1 with no requirement on cos  *)

26 Systematic uncertainties on the dijet mass cross section (17-34%, asymmetric + E T -dependent): Absolute energy scale (14-31%): Calorimeter calibration: 1.3-1.8% over the E T range Jet fragmentation model: 1.2-1.7% over the E T range Calorimeter stability: 1% of E Energy of the underlying event: 1 GeV Unsmearing: Parameterization of the resolution function: 1-9% depending on M jj Variation between analytic and MC procedure: ±4% Detector simulator energy scale: 2-8%

27 Relative jet energy scale (5-9% depending on M jj and considering all instrumented regions): Other uncertainties: luminosity: 4.1% prescale factors: 1.7-3.5% depending on trigger used. |z vertex | cut efficiency: 1% trigger efficiency: < 1% depending on the statistics of the turn-on region of the trigger.


29 The Dijet Differential Cross Section The rapidity dependence of the cross section probes the parton momentum fractions. The analysis: For luminosity (86.0 ± 4.1) pb -1 Trigger on jet-like events; select events with  2 jets Apply data quality cuts

30 Order the jets by E T. Define: The “leading jet”: with highest E T. Require that it has 0.1 40 GeV. The “probe jet”: with second highest E T. Require that it has E T2 > 10 GeV. Correct jet energies for calorimeter effects; require E T1 > 35 GeV. Classify events according to probe jet ,  2 : 0.1 < |  2 | < 0.7 0.7 < |  2 | < 1.4 1.4 < |  2 | < 2.1 2.1 < |  2 | < 3.0

31 Correct (“unsmear”) measured  Correct for trigger efficiency, prescale, and vertex-finding efficiency For events in each of the 4  2 classes, calculate the cross section: N = number of events, corrected for prescale L = luminosity E T1 bins are consistent with detector resolution Compare to JETRAD for 3 pdf’s +  = E T max /2



34 Sources of systematic errors on the dijet differential cross section: Same as for inclusive cross section +  resolution

35 Probing the high-x, high-Q 2 regime: Notice that for a two-body process, and so these data examine a range in (x,Q 2 ) including that where an excess was observed at HERA:


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