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I used to be afraid of the dark. Unit Two Look at the pictures 制作人:任薇.

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Presentation on theme: "I used to be afraid of the dark. Unit Two Look at the pictures 制作人:任薇."— Presentation transcript:

1 I used to be afraid of the dark. Unit Two Look at the pictures 制作人:任薇

2 Now she is tall. She used to be short.

3 Now she has short hair. She used to be long hair.

4 Now she likes playing tennis. She used to play football.

5 Now she has many friends. She used to be alone. a problem child

6 —— He used to cause a lot of trouble. P16, P17(3a) cause 的用法

7 Read the passage quickly and there are 5 sentences missing. Put the sentences into the correct place in the reading. Maybe you will meet some new words, don’t be afraid of them, try to guess them. 3a

8 . However,____________________ _________, Martin’s life became much more difficult. after his father’s death years ago death (n) 死亡 -------die (v.) -------dead (adj.) -------dying (p.p ) translate

9 这位老人已经去世五年了. The old man _____________ for five years. 自从他父亲死后,他的生活 变得很艰难。 ____________________, his life became much more difficult. has been dead After his father’s death

10 (2)Luckily, his mother was very patient ___________________ _______________. and didn’t give up trying to help him give up: 放弃 板书句子 。 give up sth./doing sth.

11 ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time. waste : 浪费 waste (one’s) time : 浪费 (某人的)时间 翻译 (3)

12 时间过得飞快,我们不应该 浪费它。 How fast time______, we shouldn’t______________. goes by waste our time

13 ( 4 ) ——————————— ————————————— That’s when I decided to change. (5) _______________________ ___________ How was he able to change. decide to do. 决定做某事 be able to do. 有能力做某事 Listen and T or F

14 Read the statements below. Circle TRUE, FALSE, or DON’T KNOW according to the reading. 1. Martin is still a bad boy. 2. There wasn’t enough money for the family. 3. Martin finally understood what his problem was. 4. Martin’s father didn’t use to help him. 5. What his mother said didn’t change Martin’s mind. FALSE TRUE DON’T KNOW FALSE TRUE 3b 带读第一段

15 1. How old is Martin now? He is fifteen years old. = He is a fifteen- year- old boy. e.g. 一个三岁的小女孩: a _______________ girl three-year-old

16 2.Why did his mother have to work? His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education. To do this, she had to work. afford: 承担 afford to do sth. pay for : 支付 中译英

17 My mother could ________ a computer for me. 我的妈妈有能力给我 买台电脑。 带读第二段 afford to buy

18 3.How did his mother treat ( 对待 )him? His mother looked after him as well as she could. as…as…could= as…as possible

19 4.Did he get into trouble with the police? Yes , he did. get into trouble with sb. : 给某人惹麻烦 翻译

20 他是个 “ 问题 ” 学生,他总 是给老师惹麻烦。 He is a___________, he always ________________our teacher. problem child gets into trouble with

21 5. In the end, what decision did the mother make? In the end, his mother made a decision: to send him to a boys’ boarding school. in the end: finally 最终 make a decision : 做一个决定 翻译

22 最后,他做了个决定:一 定要努力学习。 ___________, he__________: be sure to study hard. 带读三四段 In the end made a decision

23 6.What changed Martin’s mind? To his surprise, the phone call changed his life. (what his mother said changed his mind.) to one’s surprise: 出乎某人的意料 be surprised at ( with ) sth. 对某 事感到惊讶 翻译

24 e.g. 出乎我们的意料, 他考试没 及格。 To our surprise, he failed the exam.

25 7.What did his mother tell him about his father? “Even if my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do.” even thought= even if 即使 take pride in sb./sth.=be proud of sb./sth.

26 Even though he didn’t win the prize, he was still very happy. 即使他没有获得奖杯,他仍 然很开心。 我以我们的学校为荣。 Today, I take pride in our school. = Today, I am proud of our school. 带读黑板的短语 and read by yourself and retell the story

27 a fifteen-year-old boy his father’s death had to work couldn’t afford the education still caused problems didn’t give up the phone call understood decide to change really changed 练习

28 Choose the best answers for the questions. 1. Sally used to ______ a good time at school. at school. A. be B. was C. have D. has 2. He used to be really honest, _____? A. was he? B. did he? C. didn’t he ? ExerciseExercise ExerciseExercise

29 1. 马克过去怕老师。 Mark used to be afraid of the teachers . I haven’t seen you for four years. 2. 我已经四年没见过你了。

30 汉译英。我的朋友们变化很大。 My friends _________________. have changed a lot 我叔叔过去是个语文老师。 ______________________________________. ______________________________________. My uncle used to be a Chinese teacher

31 The little girl usually read books in the sun. = The little girl _____ ____ read books in the sun. used to 句型转换。

32 1. Put the following sentences into English: 1) Mario 过去总是很矮。 2) Amy 过去性格外向。 3) Tina 过去有一头直的长头发。 4) 他过去常穿黑鞋。 5) 你过去常游泳, 是吗 ?


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