The New Exodus Exodus 11-15 Rick Wright July 06 2014.

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1 The New Exodus Exodus 11-15 Rick Wright July 06 2014


3 Introduction Different ways to look at Sun Different ways to look at (Bible / Christian faith) Not either/or… true/false Both/and Advanced Big Picture

4 The Big Point New Testament understands Jesus/church primarily in terms of Passover/Exodus This is that (James McClendon) To understand this we need to understand that How Primitive Christianity understands Jesus/church

5 Overview Who? Where? What? How? Why?

6 Exodus 12:21-27 Children? Future generations? Unleavened bread? Passover?

7 Liturgy and Story – [Story? = Announcement (11)] LITURGY = Passover/Unleavened (12:1-27a) – Story (12:29-39) LITURGY = Passover (12:43-49) LITURGY = Unleavened Bread (13:1-16) – Story (13:17-14:29) LITURGY = Song of Moses (15:1-18) LITURGY = Song of Miriam (15:20-21)

8 So what? Story = Liturgy Liturgy = Story Not just this is what happened But this is what happens “God works salvation initially and for participants. Makes them part of redeemed exodus community. Reenactment is salvation (like the original event). We enter into reality of event. Reconstitutes (forms again) the people of God. Liturgy is how saving power of event is available to community (in worship)” (Terence Fretheim)

9 Couple points Sin? Lamb as atoning sacrifice? (1) Blood and (2) Meat Passover Lamb is not an atoning sacrifice for sin (Chris Brady)Chris Brady Passover = (1) freedom from slavery/oppression (2) leaving Egypt

10 Crossing the Sea Why is Passover (death + leaving Egypt) not enough?!? God/Yhwh must defeat Pharaoh/Egypt Reed Sea?!? Crossing Reed Sea sounds like… Pharaoh/Egypt + Reed Sea ~ chaos/death This is about creation!

11 Christ/church and Passover Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us (1 Corinthians 5:7) Suffering/death (and resurrection?) ~ Passover (and Crossing?) Passover/Exodus -> Paschal community Story of Jesus = New Passover/Exodus New Passover/Exodus -> New Paschal community?

12 A little more specific Sin/forgiveness? Individual? Heaven? Victory of God -> new community Eucharist? Baptism? Gospel? Church?

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