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The new Secure Retrieve (SeR) profile provides Access Control to the documents in an IHE XDS environment. Refer to the diagram on the next slide to see.

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Presentation on theme: "The new Secure Retrieve (SeR) profile provides Access Control to the documents in an IHE XDS environment. Refer to the diagram on the next slide to see."— Presentation transcript:

1 The new Secure Retrieve (SeR) profile provides Access Control to the documents in an IHE XDS environment. Refer to the diagram on the next slide to see the process flow, combining transactions in XDS and XUA with the single SeR transaction: ITI-79 Authorization Decisions Query. The two actors in SeR are grouped with XDS Reg/Rep and XUA X-Service Providers. In order to test SeR, we would need tools to support the red actor/transactions on the diagram: a SAML token service (STS) to provide assertions with certain characteristics (used in SeR for access control a tool to simulate a XDS Doc Consumer to initiate queries/retrieves, along with an XUA assertion

2 SeR Auth Decisions Mgr -SeR Actor/transaction under test Key: XDS Registry XUA X- Service- Provider - Grouped actor in SUT XDS Cons umer XUA X- Service User SeR Auth Decisions Verifier XDS Repos XUA X- Service- Provider - Actor/transaction simulated by a tool 1. ITI-18 Reg Stored Qry (with assertion) 3. ITI-43 Retrieve Doc Set request (with assertion) 4. ITI-79 Authorization Decision Qry SAML Assertion Provider Get assertion 2. Create authorizations 5. ITI-43 Retrieve Doc Set response - Transaction performed by a tool - Transaction performed by SUT Get attributes

3 SeR Auth Decisions Mgr XDS Registry XUA X- Service- Provider XDS Cons umer XUA X- Service User SeR Auth Decisions Verifier XDS Repos XUA X- Service- Provider 4. ITI-79 Authorization Decision Qry SAML Assertion Provider Get assertion 2. Create authorizations 5. ITI-43 Retrieve Doc Set response XDStarClient? -SeR Actor/transaction under test Key: - Grouped actor in SUT - Actor/transaction simulated by a tool - Transaction performed by a tool - Transaction performed by SUT - Tool Get attributes New STS Tool?? 1. ITI-18 Reg Stored Qry (with assertion) 3. ITI-43 Retrieve Doc Set request (with assertion)

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