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Wildflowers. Broad-Leaved Arrowhead Habitat Connecticut.

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Presentation on theme: "Wildflowers. Broad-Leaved Arrowhead Habitat Connecticut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wildflowers

2 Broad-Leaved Arrowhead Habitat Connecticut

3 Large-flowered Bellwort Habitat Throughout eastern and central North America.

4 Wild Bergamot Habitat This plant is found in upland woods, thickets, and prairies from Quebec to Manitoba and British Columbia south to Georgia, Louisiana, and Arizona.

5 Blazing Star Habitat found in prairies of the great plains and throughout the Eastern United States.

6 Bloodroot Habitat found from Quebec south to Florida and west to Texas and the Dakotas.

7 Common Burdock

8 Butter-and-Eggs

9 Butterfly Weed

10 Cardinal

11 Wild Carrot

12 Chicory

13 Red Clover

14 Wild Columbine

15 Purple Cress

16 Indian Cucumber-Root

17 Day-Lily

18 Dutchmen’s-Breech

19 Common Evening-Primrose

20 Starry False Solomon’s Seal

21 Wild Geranium

22 Wild Ginger

23 Yellow Goat’s Beard

24 Goldenrod

25 Ground-Ivy

26 Hawkweed YellowOrange

27 Heal-All

28 Round-Lobed Hepatica

29 Wood-Lily

30 Great Lobelia

31 Purple Loosestrife

32 Wild Lupine

33 Marsh Marigold

34 May Apple

35 Tall Meadow-Rue

36 Common Milkweed

37 Common Mullein

38 Nightshade

39 Wild Onion

40 Blue Phlox

41 Prairie-Dock

42 Common Ragweed

43 Golden Ragwort

44 Solomon’s-Seal

45 Spring-Beauty

46 Squirrel Corn

47 St. John’s Wort

48 Teasel

49 Thimbleweed

50 Spotted Touch-Me-Not

51 Trillium, Large Flower

52 Lily-Trout

53 Canadian Violet

54 Virginia Waterleaf

55 Yarrow

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