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Presentation on theme: "Rebellions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebellions

2 Anahuac First serious conflict occurred at the port town of Anahuac
Settlers accused Mexican government of taking supplies and refusing to give up runaway slaves Mexican officials also collected taxes on imported items from US Two settlers were arrested and colonists realized they needed more firepower for defense Went to Brazoria and brought back a cannon

3 Turtle Bayou Resolutions
While colonists waited for the cannon they adopted several statements known as the Turtle Bayou Resolutions The colonists declared their loyalty to Mexico and denied that they were rebelling against Mexican authority

4 Battle of Velasco After settlers picked up the cannon at Brazoria, they were stopped by Mexican officials as suspected rebels Settlers and Mexicans began fighting. After Mexico ran out of ammunition, the settlers continued towards Anahuac

5 Conventions of 1832 and 1833 1832 Texas be made a separate Mexican state Immigration from the US be permitted Exemption on import taxes

6 Conventions of 1832 and 1833 1833 Adopted same resolutions as 1832
Added a constitution for Mexican officials to view Stephen F Austin traveled to Mexico City alone to propose the new constitution

7 Questions Why were merchants upset about the taxes collected at Anahuac? Why did the colonists adopt the Turtle Bayou Resolutions? Why did the colonists support Santa Anna in Mexico? Why do you think SFA was elected president of the 1832 and 1833 conventions?

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