Wendy L. DuCasse, MSW, LCSW. Unit Objectives Evaluate client needs in crisis situations Apply crisis management strategies to provide ethical services.

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Presentation on theme: "Wendy L. DuCasse, MSW, LCSW. Unit Objectives Evaluate client needs in crisis situations Apply crisis management strategies to provide ethical services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wendy L. DuCasse, MSW, LCSW

2 Unit Objectives Evaluate client needs in crisis situations Apply crisis management strategies to provide ethical services to clients

3 Crisis…what is it? Crisis is defined as: 1. a. A crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point. b. An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change. 2. A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward either improvement or deterioration. 3. An emotionally stressful event or traumatic change in a person's life. 4. A point in a story or drama when a conflict reaches its highest tension and must be resolved. Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/crisis

4 Crisis in Action For many of our clients, crisis is often a way of life. However, it becomes an issue when one’s ability to cope no longer does the job. A major straw has broken the camel’s back.

5 Types of Crises Individual: a person’s life is out of control, either from their perspective or concerned family member(s) Group/Family: a pattern of behavior over time has eroded the norm…or someone from the outside recognizes the dysfunction Community: a major event occurs that changes their sense of normalcy

6 Individual (micro) This includes individual clients, either self referred or mandated Examples: -attempted or completed suicide -eviction -hospitalization Other ideas?

7 Group/Family (mezzo) Examples: -death of “leader” in the family/household -introduction of an outsider -domino effect Other ideas?

8 Community (macro) Community includes all public entities, such as church, school, organizations, etc. Examples: -school shootings -community violence -natural disasters Other ideas?

9 Our Role in a Crisis Human Service Professionals provide the following in times of crisis: -assessment -stabilization -referrals -crisis counseling -outside referrals (when needed) -unbiased perspective

10 Pointers -Remain neutral. Remain neutral. Remain neutral. -Remember to report any suspicions of abuse and/or neglect (don’t forget this also pertains to the elderly!) -Ask for help from a colleague or supervisor if you get “stuck” -Remain calm, and if you can’t, recognize this and find a way for the case to be transferred to another worker. -Process what you’ve experienced and what you’re feeling. -Think about how things may have been done better. -Get feedback from colleagues or your supervisor.

11 Your Project: “Teresa” Revisited Teresa’s situation has gotten worse. She’s lost her job AND been evicted because of her uncle. Your tasks: Identify Teresa’s main problem in this scenario. Identify the barriers that will keep her from resolving the main problem. Create an intervention plan that addresses her three most immediate needs and that provides a timeline for service implementation (set goals for meeting the needs), then describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions.

12 More… While the text is your main source for this project, you should use a minimum of two other research articles from peer- reviewed journals that you found in the KU Library. This project should be written adhering to the guidelines of Standard American English and should be between 800 and 1000 words long, not including the title page and the reference pages. WORTH 150 POINTS CITE YOUR SOURCES, CITE YOUR SOURCES, CITE YOUR SOURCES!!

13 Your Task (time permitting) -Visit the following story: http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/20/florida.police.shot/index.html?hpt=T1 http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/20/florida.police.shot/index.html?hpt=T1 -Identify the crisis. Who (individuals, groups, community) is struggling now? Who may be struggling in the future? -Assess the needs: who needs help? What help? -Report back.

14 Questions?

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