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+ UNCC Teacher 2 Teacher– Integrating the Arts into the Interactive Read Aloud Emily Lopez – Executive Director of Programs - LilySarahGrace.

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Presentation on theme: "+ UNCC Teacher 2 Teacher– Integrating the Arts into the Interactive Read Aloud Emily Lopez – Executive Director of Programs - LilySarahGrace."— Presentation transcript:

1 + UNCC Teacher 2 Teacher– Integrating the Arts into the Interactive Read Aloud Emily Lopez – Executive Director of Programs - LilySarahGrace

2 + Goals for Today To wear 2 hats: learner and teacher Develop a shared understanding of interactive read aloud in an Arts integrated model Engage in artful interactive read alouds Walk away with easily implementable strategies for engaging students Have FUN!

3 + Energizer: Beach Ball Story Whip with Drama Form a circle. The person who has the ball begins the story with a “beginning sentence”. The teacher counts to five slowly. On five, the rest of the group does a pose or motion that relates to the sentence said. The ball gets tossed to another person in the group. The next person who gets the ball continues the story and the group demonstrates a pose or motion to match the next detail in the story. Play continues until the story naturally comes to an end or when the teacher calls for an ending.

4 + Arts Integrated Interactive Read Aloud Powerful practices to deepen critical thinking while facilitating content knowledge for integrated studies.

5 + What is Interactive Read Aloud? Marie Clay (1991) writes that when teachers read aloud to students “meanings can be negotiated in discussion before, during, and after the story reading” (p.171). Reading aloud to students should include think-aloud or interactive elements and focus intentionally on the meaning “within the text,” “about the text,” and “beyond the text” (Fountas & Pinnell, 2006, p.33). Read aloud, as part of the gradual release of responsibility, feeds naturally into shared, guided, and independent reading as teachers demonstrate for students the ways the reading process works (Burkins & Croft, 2010).

6 + Why should Interactive Read Aloud be a part of your daily practice? Among the many benefits of read aloud, Rog (2001) lists the following: building vocabulary developing understandings of story structures supporting developing connections between print elements encouraging high levels of understanding teaching the reading process in a meaningful context modeling fluency motivating students to read

7 + Let’s Try It… We will read the book (or a section of the book) The Great Kapok Tree. As we are reading, you will be asked to record some of your thoughts on your four square sheet. Although you’ll be participating as a learner during this interactive read aloud, please pay careful attention to the specific teacher moves.

8 + Four Square Unpacked Purpose: Four square is a strategy used to create a structure to improve students’ comprehension during interactive read aloud or independent reading. Types of uses: Assessment of student thinking during whole group activity Directed note taking Students can use their own notes to support ideas for a shared inquiry discussion in a subsequent period Connections: Four square, though popular in read aloud, can be used for student independent reading, group research, literature circles and book clubs.

9 + Additional strategies for Interactive Read Aloud Turn & Talk Stop & Jot Sequenced quick sketch Word list ofessional- development/strategy-guides ofessional- development/strategy-guides Student MovesTeacher Resources

10 + Deepening understanding...through drama tableau ( ˈ tæblə ʊ ) n, pl -leaux (-lə ʊ ; -lə ʊ z) or -leaus 1. (Art Terms) See tableau vivanttableau vivant 2. (Theatre) a pause during or at the end of a scene on stage when all the performers briefly freeze in position 3. any dramatic group or scene 4. (Logic) logic short for semantic tableausemantic tableau [C17: from French, from Old French tablel a picture, diminutive of table] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

11 + Try It Out In a group of three or four, please take 3 minutes to prepare a tableau to share the scene from The Great Kapok Tree you’ve been assigned. Keep in mind elements of expression, relationship, dramatic tension, vertical plain, & content when developing your tableau. Variations: ■ Progressive building of the pose ■ Rotating or changing positions to show process

12 + A note about our services… ■ Grants ■ Workshops ■ Customized PD Additional Resources... LilySarahGrace Website Tableau Video

13 + About LSG LilySarahGrace is a teacher-led nonprofit organization, dedicated to helping all children learn, that supports educators in implementing the arts through professional development and grants for underfunded public elementary schools. We bring the Arts & Creativity back into classrooms through a method of teaching called Arts-Infused Inquiry-Based Learning (AIIBL) that is dynamic, highly engaging and most importantly – inclusive to all learners.

14 + Questions & Feedback ? Please take a moment to complete a reflection sheet.

15 + Our contact info Emily Lopez – Executive Director of Programs: Additional Info:

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