Informational Paragraph Frames By Sarah Gordy. What is it? Expository paragraph frames help students practice retelling, as retelling improves comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "Informational Paragraph Frames By Sarah Gordy. What is it? Expository paragraph frames help students practice retelling, as retelling improves comprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Informational Paragraph Frames By Sarah Gordy

2 What is it? Expository paragraph frames help students practice retelling, as retelling improves comprehension. To be used during and after reading to review/reinforce content

3 How to use it: Create a paragraph frame that corresponds to the organization of the details in the passage to be read. Assign reading Have volunteers retell what they read Present paragraph frame and have students fill in missing information.

4 Before

5 After II. What is Chlorine? Chlorine is _______ found naturally in water. Chlorine is added to city ________________________________. Chlorine is added to kill bacteria & germs, and control _______. Too much chlorine ________ and tastes bad, and can irritate your __________. It can also kill plants and fish. The average swimming pool has ________ as much chlorine as your drinking water. The bleach your parents add to the laundry has _________ times as much chlorine as drinking water. Why do most people add bleach to their laundry? Bleach reacts with stains on clothes in order to remove stains. At this concentration, chlorine bleach does more than ­­___________. COOL FACT: The salt on your table is made with chlorine. Scientists discovered that salt is made of one chlorine atom combined with one sodium atom. It's in the ocean first and then on your table. Test Results No Chlorine Some ChlorineA lot of Chlorine

6 Text frames are great for Summarizing Did you know ___________________________________? In fact _________________, and ____________________. For example_____________________________________. Also, __________________________________________. Finally, ________________________________________. Now you know __________________________________.

7 For more information: Refer to page 114 of Teaching reading in the Content Areas

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