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Multi-Channel Marketing

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Channel Marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Channel Marketing

2 Your Website Should Be:
Custom only – no template sites Standards-based CSS code Compatible with today’s web technology Fully owned with access to all files and content Avoid free or proprietary platforms – don’t get boxed in!

3 Search Engine Optimization
Keyword research matters Optimize each web page Content “freshness” is a new ranking signal Inbound links still important Local search Paid ads

4 Your Social Presence Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Google Plus

5 Online Marketing Article syndication Video marketing
Directory submissions Press releases Optimized landing pages QR codes

6 Email Marketing E-newsletters Email campaigns Opt-in only
Multi-media links (podcast, video, social...) Consistent sending schedule Use a professional listserv service

7 Track & Measure Web analytics SEO ranking reports
Social measurement reports campaign results Google Alerts

8 Mobile Website Mobile “friendly” is not enough
Regular websites are difficult on mobile devices 50% of people in the U.S. today have smart phones Mobile will be consumers’ “first screen” by 2013

9 How to Manage ALL Channels
Set up and configure channels to work with each other Build a Content Pipeline to plan and schedule marketing activities Send updates to channels with one action Pre-schedule automatic marketing activities Use Content Manager to make content updates

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