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Update on Program Review Margie Crutchfield AACTE February, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on Program Review Margie Crutchfield AACTE February, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Program Review Margie Crutchfield AACTE February, 2009

2  Timeliness Rates  Approval Rates  SASB Task Force on SPA Standards  Policy Changes  What’s Coming Up  Possible future options for program review (current process will not change!)

3 Timeliness Rates Program reports are now returned to the institutions on time  Fall 07 95% returned on time N = 660  Spring 08 95% returned on time N = 939  Fall 08 98% returned on time N = 1068

4 Approval Rates, Initial Submissions Fall 07, InitialSpring 08, Initial TotalR + C%TotalR + C% 49431463.551330158.6 R = Nationally Recognized, C = Nationally Recognized with Conditions Fall 08, Initial TotalR + C% 66040361.1

5 Approval Rates, Rev/RC reports Fall 08, Rev/RC TotalR + C% 40834985.5 Rev = Revised Reports, RC = Response to Conditions Reports R = Nationally Recognized, C = Nationally Recognized with Conditions Fall 07, Rev/RCSpring 08, Rev/RC TotalR + C%TotalR + C% 16614386.142634881.8

6 Approval Rates, Initial Reports

7 Initial (cont.)


9 Approval Rates, Rev. and Cond.



12 Task Force to look at SPA standards  SPA standards are very diverse In number, organization, specificity In coverage of content and pedagogy  Task Force has developed a set of 4 guiding/organizing principles  For a complete discussion, attend session The Next Generation of NCATE Program Standards, Saturday, 12:15 – 1:30, Regency D

13 Task Force Charge The existing SASB guidelines for SPA standards need to be rethought in light of current research, national experience, and constructive feedback. As a result the SASB chair will appoint an inclusive task force to create a conceptual framework with comprehensive guidelines for the development of SPA program standards.

14 Four principles; aligned with NCATE Unit Standard 1 Unit standard 1: Content knowledge Principle 1: Content knowledge Unit standard 1: Pedagogical content knowledge and skills Principle 2: Content pedagogy Principle 3: Learning environments Unit standard 1: Professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills Principle 4: Professional knowledge and skills

15 Principles 1: Content Knowledge 1. SPA standards address: Candidates’ knowledge of content they plan to teach or use as school professionals, and their ability to explain important principles and concepts delineated in professional standards.

16 Principle 2: Content Pedagogy 2. SPA standards address: Candidates knowledge of content pedagogy (effective teaching strategies to impart the specialized knowledge of a subject area) or of a professional practice (such as planning, instruction, analysis, and evaluation), including: Knowledge of how students develop and learn, Students’ diversity and differing approaches to learning, Cultural influences on learning, Students’ preconceptions that must be engaged for effective learning, and Familiarity with standards-based instruction, assessment, and learning.

17 Principle 3: Learning Environments 3. SPA standards address: Candidates’ ability to apply their knowledge appropriately in their education role by creating and maintaining safe, supportive, fair, and effective learning environments for all students—among them linguistically and culturally diverse students and those with exceptionalities—including: individual and group motivation for a disciplined learning environment and engagement in learning, Assessment and analysis of student learning, making appropriate adjustments in instruction, and monitoring student progress to assure meaningful learning experiences for all students, and Use of a variety of instructional strategies, materials, and applications of technology to encourage students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

18 Principle 4: Professional Knowledge and Skills 4. SPA standards address: Candidates’ knowledge of professional practices in their field and readiness to develop them, including: engagement in professional experiences, and reflection on them, to enhance their own professional growth; understanding and ability to demonstrate a commitment to equitable and ethical treatment of all students and colleagues; knowledge of the collaborative roles of other school professionals and readiness to work with colleagues, families, and community agencies; and ability to identify opportunities for collaborative and leadership roles as members of teams.

19 In addition….  the principles will serve as an organizer or framework for standards (as they do for NBPTS)  Will be limited in number  Can have only one level of elements below standard  Will be focused on what is MOST critical for each SPA’s specialty.

20 Current Streamlining Changes

21 Middle level programs  Change in policy for review of true middle level programs Must meet criteria for middle level programs Programs submit one report to NMSA 80% of candidates must pass state test in content areas Secondary program must reach national recognition If not secondary program, state must review content preparation program

22 Programs in secondary content areas that do not provide content preparation  This year NCATE will develop option for these programs  During this year, these programs can defer review until NCATE develops process and they have time to implement  Programs will not address SPA standards, they will address a generic set of standards (Task Force principles?) Will submit one report Will be expected to have assessments demonstrating candidate competence

23 Streamline current program report  Possible options Section I: Question 1 to be answered if needed; delete questions 3, 4, and 5; delete faculty information; other deletions are under consideration. Section II: Flexibility to consolidate some assessments. Section IV: Condense and clarify instructions Section V: Move to unit review?

24  Decrease required amount of data 1 to 2 years?  Investigate strategies for reviewing programs with extremely low enrollments

25 Potential Options for Program Review Current process will still remain an option!!!!!!

26 Options for Initial Review  Allow institutions to choose all of their own assessments (with some constraints) No more than 8 Must submit state test data Must demonstrate content, pedagogical content knowledge and skills, and impact on student learning  SPAs develop set of pre-approved assessments

27 Options for continuing review  Reduce requirements for “continuing” national recognition so that only new assessments need to be approved and minimal data provided. Focus on what is now Section V—self study and continuous improvement  Permit an institution to conduct validity studies of its assessments in lieu of other program report evidence requirements

28 Resources on NCATE web site , click on Institutions, click on Program Reviews Program Report Forms Guidelines, Instructions Examples of Assessments Examples of Reports Archived Web Seminars Mini-videos on how to use PRS

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