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“Sharing Best Electoral Practices” May 12, 2010 Bengaluru SYMPOSIUM.

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Presentation on theme: "“Sharing Best Electoral Practices” May 12, 2010 Bengaluru SYMPOSIUM."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Sharing Best Electoral Practices” May 12, 2010 Bengaluru SYMPOSIUM

2 MANAGEMENT OF POSTAL BALLOTS General Elections in India  ECI’s efforts resulting in ever increasing exercise of their ‘right’ by electors Recognition of Right of ‘EVERY’ elector PSs being set up for even 4-5 electors

3 Polling Personnel  ECI deploys large no. of polling personnel  Rationalization of PSs → increase in no. of PSs  Simultaneous election and clear-cut fixation of responsibilities Increased no. of polling personnel per PS  The real heroes/soldiers of the Commission Spend at least 3-4 days in trying conditions (PSs) Make the whole process (Electors exercising their franchise) possible

4  What about their Right? Randomisation → constituency of deployment known only after 2 nd Randomisation (3-4 days before polls) Mentally pre-occupied with training, election duty etc. Most of the time deprived of their Right to Vote. Complaints – not attended to 1000-1500 electors per AC constituency on an average deployed as PP.

5 OBJECTIVE  Allow each polling personnel to exercise his/her Franchise  Management through Postal Ballot / Election Duty Certificate (EDC)  To evolve foolproof and accountable system of management  Keeping the candidates / political parties informed of the numbers (at previous meetings also) To avoid doubts at the time of counting

6 Guidelines for management of Postal Ballots  Poll date 16-04-2009  Marked copy ready by 09-04-2009  Date of 2 nd Training – 11-04-2009  Date of reporting at Distribution Centre – 14-04-2009

7 FACILITATION CENTRE – AT TRAINING VENUE ON 11.04.2009 A.RECEPTION AND VERIFICATION COUNTER :: (i)5-10 tables - grouping of Polling Station e.g. Table-1 → PS No. 1- 25, Table-2 → PS No. 26-50 etc., Marked copy to be kept. (ii)Constituency allotment order & identification document (EPIC etc.) to be verified – Responsible person thro’ order by R.O. (iii)Necessary entries in the place provided in order copy (A/C No, Part No, S. No., ID document details ) (iv)Necessary entries to be made in marked copy (either EDC, PB or PB, PB) Ex. EDC, PB indicate EDC for parliament and PB for Assembly.

8 B. ISSUE COUNTER :: (i)Tahsildar to sit here along with assistant. (ii)Register to be maintained – Entries to be made in Register Sl. N o. Uni que ID Des igna tion Addr ess Elector’s detailsA.C.allottedIdentification document produced PB/EDC issued Sig nat ure AC No. Part No. Sl. No. No.Nam e P.S. TypeNumb er Parlia ment Asse mbly 1234567899A1011121314 Explanation of Columns 12 & 13 PB/EDC issued ParliamentAssembly Case IEDCEDC Not permitted Case IIEDCPBEmployee posted in same parliament but different AC (Mark 12 B with “EDC valid for PC only”) Case IIIPBPBEmployee posted outside parliament Case IVPBEDCNot possible.

9 C. VOTING ENCLOSURE (For PB only) :: Following arrangements to be made. (i)Arrangements for attestation of declaration (ii)Voting compartment (iii)Postal department counter to receive covers under acknowledgment

10 2. FURNISHING OF LIST TO CANDIDATES :- (i)“Postal Ballot” and “EDC” list (without Polling Station” – Copy given to candidates by Assembly RO’s during poll eve meeting. (ii)One Hard & Soft copy to be sent to Collector & DEO by 11.04.2009 night → consolidated list furnished to Parliament candidates. (iii)P.C and A.C. “EDC” list (with P.S. allotted) copy given to candidates after teams depart at each A.C. distribution center.

11 3. AT THE DISTRIBUTION CENTER :- At the time of issuance of order (PS allotment-after 3 rd randomisation) (i)“EDC” (Form-12B) to be stamped → Showing “PS allotted : ______” for permitting voting in the so allotted Polling Station. (ii)Entry in list column 9A – P.S. allotted. – copy given to candidates after departure of parties. (iii)P.S. wise list of EDC’s issued to be prepared & one copy given to Presiding Officer. S.No.Employee Details I.D.NameDesignation 1234

12 RESULTS  Every polling personnel provided with opportunity to exercise his/her Franchise  No complaints received from a single PP  No complaints / doubts expressed from candidates / political parties.


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