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Pine Hills Neighborhood Improvement District Board of County Commissioners June 7, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Pine Hills Neighborhood Improvement District Board of County Commissioners June 7, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pine Hills Neighborhood Improvement District Board of County Commissioners June 7, 2011

2 Presentation Outline Pine Hills on the Rise Strategic Plan Neighborhood Improvement District Requested Action Pine Hills

3 Presentation Outline Pine Hills on the Rise Strategic Plan Neighborhood Improvement District Requested Action Pine Hills

4 Pine Hills on the Rise BCC created a Task Force Focus on commercial corridors Revitalizing local commercial and business entities Creating a destination Pine Hills

5 Pine Hills on the Rise Established a community vision Gave voice to residents and businesses Conducted visioning and planning Engaged youth A holistic approach to redevelopment Pine Hills

6 Task Force Membership Chairperson at-large selected by the Mayor Area Residents (3) – selected by District 1, 2, and 6 Area Businesses (3) – selected by District 1, 2, and 6 Pine Hills Safe Neighborhood Partnership Pine Hills Community Council West Orange Chamber of Commerce Central Florida Urban League Orange County Public Schools Orange County Sheriff Faith based organization

7 Pine Hills on the Rise Sept 2009 - present 24 Task Force meetings Three community meetings Four focus group meetings A redevelopment workshop Commissioner briefings, input and guidance BCC adopted recommendations Dec 2010 Pine Hills


9 Presentation Outline Pine Hills on the Rise Strategic Plan Neighborhood Improvement District Requested Action Pine Hills

10 Strategic Plan Working Vision Pine Hills will be a neighborhood recognized for its quality of life as expressed by its visual appearance, secure residential areas, outstanding educational and recreational programs, where businesses can thrive and residents have ready access to the region’s employment centers. Pine Hills

11 Strategic Plan Objectives Significantly improve the physical and economic environment Commit to provide resources to effectuate change Leverage the new Evans High School as an asset Pine Hills

12 Strategic Plan Objectives Advocate for urban design guidelines along corridors Improve access to jobs, businesses and public facilities Implement a “Town Center” Master Plan for the area Pine Hills

13 Strategic Plan Approach: 5 Elements Develop an Implementing Organization Create a Town Center Master Plan Enhance Roadways Create Effective Connections Promote Strong Neighborhoods Pine Hills

14 Strategic Plan Develop an Implementing Organization – Create a Neighborhood Improvement District (NID) –Advocate for redevelopment –Implement Task Force recommendations –Seek funding for redevelopment Pine Hills

15 Presentation Outline Pine Hills on the Rise Strategic Plan Neighborhood Improvement District Requested Action Pine Hills

16 Definition of a NID Also called “Safe Neighborhood Improvement District” Special district created under Chapter 163 Fla. Stat. Located in area in which: More than 75% of land is residential use, or More than 75% of land is commercial, office, business or industrial use and Area is subject of a crime reduction plan May not overlap boundaries of municipality and county except by interlocal agreement Pine Hills

17 NID General Information DCA website lists 25 NIDs in Florida 20 in South Florida municipalities One in Orange County – OBT (overlaps CRA and MSTU) One each in Volusia, Hillsborough, Sarasota & Gadsden Orlando is creating NID south of downtown Pine Hills

18 Four Types of NIDs Local Government NID (163.506, Fla. Stat.) Property Owners’ Association NID (163.508, Fla. Stat.) Special NID (163.511, Fla. Stat.) Community Redevelopment NID (163.512, Fla. Stat.) Pine Hills

19 Powers of NID Accept grants, gifts, and donations Enter into contracts; sue and be sued Acquire, own, convey, lease, construct, manage property Promote and advertise the NID Improve streets, lighting, parks, streets, drainage, utilities and provide safe access to mass transit facilities Pine Hills

20 Powers of NID Replan, vacate streets, subject to concurrence of BCC Annual assessment of up to $500 per parcel of land For capital improvements and operating expenses Subject to referendum approval Ad valorem tax up to 2 mills after referendum Pine Hills

21 Powers of NID May not borrow money Must: – produce neighborhood improvement plan consistent with Comp Plan –comply with the Uniform Special District Act –follow TRIM and budget process Pine Hills

22 Local Government NID (163.506, Fla. Stat.) BCC is typically governing board Advisory council of property owners in the district duties prescribed by BCC submits report and proposed budget When formulating improvement plan must consult in the sunshine staff and consultants of BCC Pine Hills

23 Process for creating an NID: Ordinance authorizing creation of the type of NID; ( Ord. No. 90-23, approved Sept. 17, 1990, authorized creation of Local Government NID’s ) Separate ordinance for each NID created Pine Hills

24 Ordinance 90-23 requires factual determinations that proposed area is affected by: –Proliferation of crime; and –At least 3 of the following: 1.Traffic flow strangled by outmoded street patterns 2.Unsuitable topography or faulty lot layouts 3.Fragmentation of land uses/parking areas necessitating frequent automobile movement 4.Lack of separation of pedestrian areas from automobile traffic 5.Lack of separation of vehicle traffic lanes and railroad traffic 6.Excessive noise levels from automobile traffic Pine Hills

25 Ordinance 90-23 imposes very high standards for local government NID to levy either assessments or ad valorem taxes: Unanimous vote of all members of BCC Then approval by special referendum requirements Notice of referendum from Supervisor of Elections by mail and by publication in newspaper Mail –in ballots –Business NID: Approval by property owners representing more than 50% of assessed value of property in district Pine Hills

26 Potential funding for the NID Crime Prevention Trust Fund (recommended) Grants and donations (recommended) Special Assessment up to $500 Ad valorem tax up to 2 mills Pine Hills

27 Staffing the NID Full time Executive Director One Administrative Support Pine Hills

28 Potential boundaries for NID Recommend establishing a business NID 75% of the parcels must be zoned commercial Group parcels similar in size and/or value Recommended boundaries for the NID Pine Hills




32 Process Summary Draft ordinance Schedule public hearings Budget staff positions –Funding from Crime Prevention Trust Fund Pine Hills

33 Presentation Outline Pine Hills on the Rise Strategic Plan Neighborhood Improvement District Requested Action Pine Hills

34 Requested Action Board direction to staff regarding the Pine Hills Business Redevelopment Task Force recommendation to create a Neighborhood Improvement District in Pine Hills


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