The Piano Context and Background. What does this scene reveal about the setting? Landing on the beach at the beginning of the film (3.45)

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Presentation on theme: "The Piano Context and Background. What does this scene reveal about the setting? Landing on the beach at the beginning of the film (3.45)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Piano Context and Background

2 What does this scene reveal about the setting? Landing on the beach at the beginning of the film (3.45)

3 What does this scene reveal about the setting? Landing on the beach at the beginning of the film (3.45) Inhospitable, deserted landscape. Cliffs make it seem unwelcoming.

4 What production techniques does Campion use? Landing on the beach at the beginning of the film (3.45)

5 What production techniques does Campion use? Landing on the beach at the beginning of the film (3.45) Lots of long shots. The waves and beach. Sound effects of waves, wind. Uses Of washed out, pale, white colours. Natural light = a dark place.

6 What does this scene reveal about the context and characters? What production techniques does Campion use? Linking back to context: What do Ada’s clothes tell us about the Victorian era and the expectations of Victorian women?

7 The Piano - Main Characters Ada McGrath – played by Holly Hunter (protagonist) Alistair Stewart – played by Sam Neill George Baines – played by Harvey Keitel Flora McGrath – played by Anna Paquin The Piano - played by Ada

8 The Piano - Main Characters Ada McGrath – Dress / Costume Actions Dialogue – important quotes Feelings Her strengths Her weaknesses Decisions Relationships with others

9 The Piano - Main Characters Alistair Stewart Clothing / House Actions Dialogue – important quotes Feelings Hisstrengths His weaknesses Decisions Relationships with others

10 DecisionWhat it shows us about her character Evidence (Quote, image, camera shot etc) To stop talking To come to New Zealand To buy the piano back, knowing what it would involve To send the key to Baines To leave Stewart for Baines Other decisions? Ada’s Decision Grid

11 Stewart quotes "You're small. I never thought you'd be small." 1.When does each quote occur in the film? 2.Who does he say it to? 3.What does it reveal about Stewart? – It may be several things 4. How does our impression of him change through the film? "Morag, what would you think if someone were to play a kitchen table like it were a piano?" "We're a family now. We all make sacrifices and so will you." "Never behave like that. Never. Nowhere. You're greatly shamed. You have shamed these trunks." "I'm not going to lose the land like this. Wait here." "I clipped your wing, that's all."


13 George Baines “She looks tired, Sir.” 1.When does each quote occur in the film? 2.Who does he say it to? 3.What does it reveal about Baines? – It may be several things “Do you know how to bargain?” “The arrangement is making you a whore and me wretched. I want you to care for me but you can’t.” “If you’ve come with no feeling for me then go. Go. Go. Get out! Leave!”

14 Character comparison table StewartAdaBaines A key decision the character makes He swaps the piano for a piece of land She chooses Baines over Stewart He throws the piano over the side of the waka Comment Objects they are associated with Axe, surveyors’ tools The pianoTattoos Language / expression Well educated, well spoken Does not speak. Expresses herself in other ways Speaks Maori & English. Cannot read and write Comment CostumeOften wears formal costume (top hat, suit on the beach) Formal dress at the beginning of the film Wears a variety of clothing. Not formal Comment


16 A Good Joke by C.F. Goldie










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