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Thinking It Through Matthew 8:18-22 The Cost to Follow.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking It Through Matthew 8:18-22 The Cost to Follow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking It Through Matthew 8:18-22 The Cost to Follow

2 Thinking It Through The Declaration vs. 19"…I will follow you wherever you go." Have you noticed? Life is expensive!

3 Thinking It Through The Accomodations vs. 20 "The Son of Man has no where to Lay his head." Have you ever made a promise not using wisdom?

4 Thinking It Through The Accomodations vs. 20 "The Son of Man has no where to Lay his head." What is your expectation in becoming a follower of JESUS?

5 Thinking It Through The Accommodations vs. 20 "The Son of Man has no where to Lay his head." He is demanding, not asking, for self-denial, self- discipline, physical & spiritual accountability, anonymity, and humility in a culture of self- centeredness, self-adulation and self-seeking. Life is expensive and so is following Christ.

6 Thinking It Through The Authorization vs. 20 "Lord permit me first..." In essence this disciple is saying, “Lord I’ll be your follower but on my time table, on my mark, at my convenience.”

7 Thinking It Through The Clarification vs. 20 "Follow Me and allow the dead to bury their own dead." Follow me now or you never will – because: …there will always be something that will come first. …there will always be a need to wait for a more convenient time. …there will always be a reason to postpone the call to FOLLOW. …there will always be just one more thing that will first need attention. But the disciple insisted on his priority and this is what prompted Jesus' strict response.

8 Things to Remember and Do Remember who you are dealing with - the Ancient of Days, The King Immortal-Invisible, The Rock and The Mighty God who knows the thoughts and intents of your heart. Think it through. Jesus is demanding, not asking, for self-denial, self-discipline, physical & spiritual accountability, anonymity, and humility in a culture of self-centeredness, self-adulation and self-seeking. Do not let this be your thoughts toward Jesus, “ …have you any idea how much that would cost me if I answer Your call right now?” There will always be something that comes first, follow Jesus right now – strike while the Iron is hot!!! Think it through.

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