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PFAs – A Critical Look Where Does (my) SiD PFA go Wrong? S. R. Magill ANL ALCPG 10/04/07.

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Presentation on theme: "PFAs – A Critical Look Where Does (my) SiD PFA go Wrong? S. R. Magill ANL ALCPG 10/04/07."— Presentation transcript:

1 PFAs – A Critical Look Where Does (my) SiD PFA go Wrong? S. R. Magill ANL ALCPG 10/04/07

2 A Systematic PFA Development Starting Point : 100% pure calorimeter cell population – 1 and only 1 particle contributes to a cell More practically, no overlap between charged particles and neutrals -> Defines cell volume – v(d IP,η,B?) -> Start of detector design optimization -> Perfect PFA is really perfect – no confusion to start 100% pure tracker hits (or obvious crossings) -> Defines Si strip size -> Start of design optimization -> Perfect Tracks are really perfect PFA is an intelligent mixture of high purity and high efficiency objects – not necessarily both together

3 Occupancy Event Display All hits from all particles Hits with >1 particle contributing

4 Defining Perfect PFA (Perfect Reconstructed Particles) Takes generated and simulated MC objects, applies rules to define what a particular detector should be able to detect, forms a list of the perfect reconstructed particles, perfect tracks, and perfect calorimeter clusters. Complicated examples : -> charged particle interactions/decays before cal -> photon conversions -> backscattered particles Critical for comparisons when perfect (cheated) tracks are used Extremely useful for debugging PFA Checks detector calibration procedure

5 Perfect Tracks Perfect Neutrals (photons, neutral hadrons) Perfect Cal Clusters SiD (SS/RPC)

6 Photons from Perfect PFA (ZPole events in ACME0605 W/Scin HCAL)  /mean ~ 18%/  E  /mean ~ 24%/  E Detector Calibration Check 24%/  E 18%/  E

7 Neutral Hadrons from Perfect PFA (ZPole events in ACME0605 W/Scin HCAL)  /mean ~ 47%/  E  /mean ~ 49%/  E  /mean ~ 46%/  E 46%/  E 49%/  E 45%/  E

8 Track/CAL Shower Matching This is an example of where high purity is preferred over efficiency -> will discard calorimeter hits and use track for particle -> better to discard too few hits rather than those from other particles -> use hits or high purity cluster algorithm Example : 1) Associate mip hits to extrapolated tracks up to interaction point where particle starts to shower. -> ~100% pure association since no clustering yet -> tune on muons to get extra hits from delta rays 2) Cluster remaining hits using high purity cluster algorithm – Nearest Neighbor with some fine tuning for neighborhood size -> iterate, adding clusters until ΣE cl /p tr in tunable range (0.65 – 1.5) -> can break up cluster if E/p too large (M. Thomson) -> err on too few clusters – can add later when defining neutral hadrons

9 ECAL Radius 175 cm (LDC-like) ESum of Charged Hadron Clusters per event Decent match of PFA to Perfect

10 Candidates for re-clustering? ECAL Radius 175 cm (LDC-like)

11 ECAL Radius 125 cm (SiD) PFA slightly larger than Perfect

12 Candidates for re-clustering? ECAL Radius 125 cm (SiD)

13 Now, high efficiency is desired so that all photons are defined – can optimize for both high efficiency and high purity by using multiple clustering. Example : 1) Cone or DT cluster algorithm (high efficiency) with parameters : radius = 0.04 seed = 0.0 minE = 0.0 2) Cluster hits in cones with NN(1111) to define cluster core (high purity for photons) mincells = 20 (minimum #cells in reclustered object) dTrCl = 0.02 (no tracks within.02) 3) Test with longitudinal H-Matrix and evaluate χ 2 Other evaluations are done in PhotonFinderDriver – like layer of first interaction if cluster fails mincells test, cluster E in HCAL, etc. Photon Finding

14 Photon Clustering


16 Photon Comparisons – ZPole events for ACME 0605 (SiD) detector On the left is the ESum of photons for each event, red is perfect and blue is from PFA – 20.1 GeV for perfect PFA compared to 19.2 GeV for real PFA. On right is the difference between real PFA and perfect PFA for each event, a -1 GeV difference on average per event.

17 Photon Comparisons – ZZ @ 500 GeV events for ACME 0605 (SiD) detector On the left is the ESum of photons for each event, red is perfect and blue is from PFA – 49.8 GeV for perfect PFA compared to 30.0 GeV for real PFA. On right is the difference between real PFA and perfect PFA for each event, now a - 20 GeV difference on average per event. From the plot on right, you can see that it’s the high energy photon events that are missing – probably consistent with the H-Matrix failing on large cluster (high E) photons or from overlapping clusters.

18 Photon Comparisons – ZPole events for ACME 0605, ECAL IR = 175 cm (LDC-like) On the left is the ESum of photons for each event, red is perfect and blue is from PFA – 20.5 GeV for perfect PFA compared to 19.8 GeV for real PFA. On right is the difference between real PFA and perfect PFA for each event, a -0.75 GeV difference on average per event. As expected, this is slightly better than the smaller detector – probably less overlap.

19 Photon Comparisons – ZZ @ 500 GeV events for ACME 0605, ECAL IR=175 (LDC-like) On the left is the ESum of photons for each event, red is perfect and blue is from PFA – 49.9 GeV for perfect PFA compared to 31.2 GeV for real PFA. Very similar to the ~60% as before for ZZ events (slight improvement). On right is the difference between real PFA and perfect PFA for each event, now a -19 GeV difference on average per event. From the plot on right, you can see again that it’s the high energy photon events that are missing – probably consistent with the H-Matrix failing on large cluster (high E) photons or from overlapping clusters. Very slight improvement – needs to be investigated further.

20 Neutral Hadron ID Here again, high efficiency is desired – if previous algorithms have performed well enough, purity will not be an issue. Example : Cluster with Directed Tree (another high efficiency clusterer) -> clean fragments with minimum cells -> check distance to nearest track – if too close, discard -> merge remaining clusters if close Needs additional ideas, techniques – pointing?

21 AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary Tools DigiSim DigiSim Calibration Calibration Perfect PFA Perfect PFA Photons Photons dM/M vs ESum (PPFA) PFA Res. ZZ->qq ZZ->qq ZZ->qqqq ZZ->qqqq tt->6 jets tt->6 jets dM/M vs Ejet ZH->4 jets B-field, ECAL IR, HCAL Tech., Det. variants e+e- @ 1 TeV Understand contribution to dijet mass resolution from energy, angles Results of PFA performance at 500 GeV CM for various n-jet processes - Performance vs Ejet or Ejetjet? - Detector parameter variations - Results for F’lab ALCPG FermiLab ALCPG

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