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Scripture Reading James 1:12-16.

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1 Scripture Reading James 1:12-16

2 Introduction Can a person be “driven” to commit sin?
Often we hear this as an excuse when someone gets caught up in sin. For example, a man or woman commits adultery against their spouse, and the guilty one says, “They drove me to it”. Or when a person becomes a drunkard. Does the bible uphold such ideology? Let us examine the scriptures and see.

3 What the Bible Says What I read in the scriptures is much different than what I hear people in society & sometimes in the church say. James 1:12-16. We are tempted when we are drawn away of our own lusts and enticed. God does not say we are “driven” but that we are drawn or led by our own lusts.

4 What the Bible Says 1 Cor 7:1-7.
Generally speaking, an affair-adultery- usually happens something like this. A man, (or woman), begins to become friends with a co-worker, neighbor, or another friend. They begin to tell them of all their problems at home.

5 What the Bible Says The “other party” becomes sympathetic and “listens” to them. Then lusts creeps in. Then the husband (or wife) begins withholding love and affection from their spouse. 1 Cor. 7:3-4. Then adultery happens.

6 What the Bible Says Then the guilty one starts to blame the innocent (the one not guilty of adultery). The guilty one talks about how the other one was always nagging, not affectionate, not romantic. When it is all said and done the guilty one says they “drove” me to cheat. What a cop out!

7 What the Bible Says Ezek. 18:1-13.
What I read in the scriptures is that a soul is held responsible for the sins it commits. I cannot blame my father, my children, my spouse, my co-workers, not even the devil himself. I must take responsibility for my own actions and sins.

8 What the Bible Says Paul said in 2 Cor. 5:10, that we must give an account for our actions (deeds) done in the body. On the day of judgment will God accept the excuse that we so often hear now? I was driven to adultery, drunkenness, stealing, drug addiction, or covetousness, lying, etc.

9 Conclusion When we sin, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
God cannot be blamed. The devil cannot be blamed. Others cannot be blamed. We will give an account of ourselves on the day of judgment.

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