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Unit III – Chapter 4.  Floods  Earthquakes  Hurricanes  Tornadoes  Volcanoes  Tsunamis  Avalanches.

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1 Unit III – Chapter 4

2  Floods  Earthquakes  Hurricanes  Tornadoes  Volcanoes  Tsunamis  Avalanches

3  Aspects of physical world that have potential to cause considerable harm to people o a dormant volcano

4  When a natural hazard is activated and reacts in such a way as humans and/or communities are destroyed

5  Occur most often in heavily populated areas in southern hemisphere  Poorer countries with less solid infrastructure  More difficult for poorer countries (LCD and LLCD) to react quickly and compensate for loss

6  Frequency  How often a particular event is likely to occur  Duration  How long an event will last  Extent  How large an area or region will it effect  widespread or restricted to a small area

7  Speed of onset  How much warning will you get  Spatial dispersion  Area affected by disaster – prediction of where it will take place  Temporal spacing  How hazards occur in time – hurricanes occur in the same areas at the same time of year; while volcanoes are unpredictable

8  Loss of life  Number of injuries  Damage to property  Intensity/strength of event  wind speed, Richter scale for earthquakes  Event causes other hazards – atmospheric, biologic and geologic

9  An event that affects people in many areas of the world  An event that has long term effects (for many years)  An event that causes permanent damage or serious contamination of the natural environment

10  Atmospheric  Biological  Geological


12  Severe storm  Cyclonic storm – hurricane, cyclone, typhoon  Tornado  Flooding  Drought  Wildfire

13  Connected with weather and climate changes  normal weather patterns develop because of differences in air masses  Prevailing winds shift these air masses  When two air masses collide a sharp boundary called a front forms  Rotating low pressure areas, or cells form along storm front  Depending on how different the air masses are influences the types of storm that will develop

14  Develop as the result of high temperatures and large amounts of water vapour  Develop over oceans and follow curved storm paths  Moved by prevailing winds and the Coriolis effect  Usually hit land where they cause significant destruction


16  formation of a tornado - Bing Video formation of a tornado - Bing Video

17  Form over water  Called hurricanes - Atlantic; cyclones – Indian; typhoons – Pacific  Most destructive of all natural disasters  Follow curved storm paths and often end up over land  Cover extensive areas  High winds, rain  Extensive area so more widespread damage  Form over land  Called twisters, funnel clouds  Occur mostly in middle latitudes with thunderstorms that are part of cyclonic storm forming on cold front  Narrow path  High winds, rain  Limited area so less widespread damage

18  High precipitation associated with a storm front  Rivers rise, overflow and flood adjoining lowland  Storms can cause “storm surge” which cause extensive lowland floodingflooding  Storms can also cause mudslidesmudslides

19  Extended periods without rainfall  Prolonged drought – crop failure, death  i.e. Sahel area of sub-Saharan region of Africa  Desertification = productive dry land is degraded to the point where it is no longer productive

20  Dry weather conditions, high winds, large forests are ideal conditions for wildfireswildfires

21 Millions of deaths attributed to infectious or parasitic diseases

22  Prior to 2000 – 1.2 million children died/year (textbook)  In 2008 - 164 000 measles deaths globally – nearly 450 deaths/day or 18 deaths/hour  Measles vaccination (up 72% from 2000) resulted in a 78% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2008 worldwide  LDCs and LLDCs – 95% of deaths

23  By the end of 2008 - 33.4 million people worldwide were living with HIV  2 million people died of AIDS-related illnesses.  Globally, less than 1 in 5 at risk of HIV has access to basic HIV prevention services.  Only 36% of people who needed HIV treatment had access to it by end of 2009  2010 report – significant progress is being made

24 HIV/AIDS progress report from 144 low- and middle-income countries in 2009:  15 countries, including Botswana, Guyana and South Africa, were able to treat more than 80% of HIV-positive pregnant women  14 countries, including Brazil, Namibia and Ukraine, provided HIV treatment to more than 80% of HIV-positive children  8 countries, including Cambodia, Cuba and Rwanda, have achieved universal access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) for adults.

25  35 million people world-wide suffer from disease  140 million African people are at risk  caused by a parasitical worm, onchocerca volvulus.  The worm larvae are spread by the black simulium fly, which breeds in the high-oxygen water of fast- flowing rivers.  fly transmits disease when it bites people, making those who live or work near the rivers vulnerable.  Treatment - Mectizan®.

26 Ways to break the cycle of infection:  reducing # of flies by spraying affected areas with insecticide  slowing fast-flowing rivers, making them unattractive as breeding grounds  reducing exposure to flies by using protective garments  killing the adult worms by removing the worm 'nodules' - difficult because infected villages are often very remote and poor, making accessible surgery difficult.  providing a yearly dose of the drug Mectizan® in affected areas. Problems with medication  Needs to be administered regularly and communally


28  Most violent and sudden  Cause the highest # of deaths  July 27, 1976 – Tangshan China – killed 255,000 + 665,000 injured  Occur in areas of world defined by tectonic plates  Many run through highly populated areas

29  Collapsing buildings  Breaks in communication and transportation  Electricity loss  Fire  Flooding  Disease

30  High population density  Substandard housing  Lack relief resources

31  Cause fewer deaths than any other natural disaster  Slow – lots of warning  Well known volcanoes – Mt. Vesuvius (Pompeii), Mt. St. Helens (Washington State), Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland)  Hawaii has daily volcanic activity  Iceland has harnessed geothermal energy for heating and electricity generation

32  Slide is rapid movement down a slope – rocks, soil or combination  Combination of geological factors + triggering event like heavy rain or earthquake or human effect – deforestation, clearcutting  Avalanches – rapid movement of snow and ice

33  Japanese for “harbour wave”  Not connected to tides – therefore not “tidal waves”  Caused by mudflows, landslides, earthquakes or volcanoes that take place on ocean floor  Most common cause – earthquakes  Devastating tsunami – Thailand, Christmas 2004 – 230,000 deaths

34  We are victims of natural disasters  We can also cause them to be more disastrous  Clear cutting, hillside farming, urban development

35  gardening/plants/plant/photosynthesis.jpg, retrieved March 1, 2010 gardening/plants/plant/photosynthesis.jpg  retrieved March 3, 2010  March 3  f665971332d781ca13addc07e&furl=http%3A%2F%2Flibrary.thinkquest.or g%2FC003124%2Fimages%2Ftides.jpg March 3 f665971332d781ca13addc07e&furl=http%3A%2F%2Flibrary.thinkquest.or g%2FC003124%2Fimages%2Ftides.jpg  erface.html March 3 erface.html  file:///H:\My%20Pictures\Hurricane_formation.gif retrieved March 11file:///H:\My%20Pictures\Hurricane_formation.gif  file:///H:\My%20Pictures\flappy_tornado_formation.jpg retrieved March 11 file:///H:\My%20Pictures\flappy_tornado_formation.jpg  National Geographic websites

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